Black Dem leader beats up blind vet

By Mychal Massie

Leroy Jones, the black chairman of the Essex County New Jersey Democratic Committee, may be terrified of a grizzled old Democrat hack with more chin whiskers than she has manners – but he sure isn’t afraid of any 75-year-old blind Army veteran.

Leroy Jones was awarded The Daily Rant’s Racist of The Year Award in 2014 after he displayed the backbone of wet bathroom tissue as he was cowered into submission to the queen of flagrant white liberal racist supremacy, Belleville, New Jersey, Councilwoman Marie Strumolo Burke.

It was proven beyond any question of a doubt that Burke was the voice heard shrieking in the background of a telephone call that proposed zoning changes would turn her New Jersey town into “an ‘effing’ nigger town.” Not only did the emasculated Leroy Jones retreat away from demanding any action be taken against Strumolo Burke, but he did so with a banana-colored pallor.

But when it came to a 75-year-old blind Army veteran (who also happens to be black), Jones was all aboard the “gangsta” train. Blind Army veteran Bill Graves says Jones viciously attacked and punched him in his sightless eyes because Jones felt Graves had not followed his explicit instructions during the East Orange New Jersey council primary at the beginning of June. Jones however, claims he beat up the 75-year-old blind Army veteran because Mr. Graves had allegedly gotten “aggressive” with Jones’ wife as she was checking credentials at a polling site.

So it would appear, Jones’ status notwithstanding, the black Democratic committee chairman subscribes to the same method of conflict resolution the “old school gangstas” employ. Jones, as videotape clearly reveals, beat up the blind veteran.

Here we see the amoral character of those shackled to the Democratic plantation. It is easy to conclude that the Democratic leadership made it clear he was under no circumstances to do anything to impede or embarrass the unethical racist Marie Strumolo Burke because she is white. But clearly there were no such constraints placed upon Jones pursuant to how he handled black veterans who are blind.

The duplicitous prejudice double standards blatantly displayed by the liberal Democrats cannot be overlooked nor denied.

Marie Strumolo Burke can be compared to the modern-day equivalent of Ku Klux Klan Democratic political greats like the late Sen. Al Gore Sr. and late Sen. Robert Byrd. And like the obedient little puppy he is, Jones sits when he is told and fetches a stick when it amuses his owners.

The aforementioned notwithstanding, the question that isn’t being asked is why did it take until July 9, 2015, for this story to break when the beating incident took place on June 2, 2015? Was the silence to ensure Democratic victories? After all, would the voters have looked favorably upon yet another racially charged incident after the racist statements made by Strumolo Burke last year? Who are Jones and/or Democratic leadership paying off to prevent Jones from being charged with a felony as opposed to a misdemeanor? When did ABC7 New York find out, and (why) did they wait to break the story?

This is politics; and nothing of this magnitude stays hidden for a month. I can see no plausible scenario that someone in the media was not aware of this incident. Waiting until a month had passed allowed for the race results to be finalized.

Another thing these Bellevue, New Jersey, incidents prove is the depth of constraint blacks live under in the Democratic Party. The Republican Party is comprised of among the most fragile, craven. feckless, spineless establishment and least trustworthy so-called faux representatives I can point to (and I say that as a Republican), but the Democrats, for all of their bravado and a Kenyan-American in the White House, are as transpicuously racist as they are known historically, including today.

Democrats are good at pretending not to be bigoted racists, but any black who doesn’t follow their prejudiced directives very quickly experiences the wrath of leadership. We witnessed this when Al Sharpton initially gave ambivalent support for California State Supreme Court Justice Janet Rogers Brown to be elevated to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, and some three hours later he was publicly singing a completely different tune. It was clearly understood that he had been severely chastened by leadership for daring to not do as he was told. It is evidenced by how embarrassingly “puppy dog” obedient the Congressional Black Caucus is to Democratic leadership.

And so it is with Leroy Jones. He is a disgrace on every quantifiable level of integrity there is. He tucked his tail and cowered in the aftermath of Strumolo Burke’s racist outburst, going so far as to even work for her re-election.

And then even more stunningly he physically assaults a 75-year-old blind Army veteran, deliberately punching the man in his face and eyes.

Is that what leadership has come to in America? The answer, of course, is yes, it has. And it is not just Democrats; both parties are boorish caricatures of what our Founding Fathers intended.

Media wishing to interview Mychal Massie, please contact [email protected].

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.

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