California’s Fort Bragg won’t have to change name

By Around the Web

(Fort Bragg Advocate News) A bill banning the naming of schools and roads after notable Confederates introduced to the California Legislature has been modified to eliminate language that could have theoretically required Fort Bragg to change its name.

After conferring with Fort Bragg officials, Democratic Sen. Steve Glazer of Orinda has changed the bill’s wording so that it would not require cities or institutions to remove names associated with Confederate figures such as Braxton Bragg, Fort Bragg’s namesake. Bragg became a Confederate general years after the commander of the original military outpost of Fort Bragg named the place after him.

“Fort Bragg will not have to change its name because of SB 539,” Fort Bragg Mayor Dave Turner said this week. “When I first heard of this I talked to our Senator, Mike McGuire. He spoke with the author of the bill, Senator Glazer, who assured him that could not be construed to cover city names.”

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