Geraldo threatens to ‘knock out’ Fox News co-host

By Cheryl Chumley

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A trio of Fox News hosts engaged in some fiery debate on immigration on the most recent broadcast of “The Five,” with one – Geraldo Rivera – finally reaching a point of frustration where he physically threatened the show’s co-host, Eric Bolling.

The talk centered on the shooting death of Kate Steinle, allegedly by an illegal immigrant who was deported back to Mexico several times but was in San Francisco to take advantage of that city’s sanctuary benefit. The case has ratcheted nationwide talk of securing America’s borders at a time when liberal politicians on Capitol Hill, led by President Obama, only want to open the doors of amnesty further.

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Fox’s Jesse Watters first praised presidential contender Donald Trump for his outspoken comments on the matter, characterizing Obama by contrast as a “skinny community organizer,” Mediaite reported.

Fellow Fox contributor Rivera didn’t like that comment and chided Watters for being “disrespectful” to the president.

“Immigration is like a cheap drug. You get a big bang, a quick high, and a very long hangover,” chided Rivera.

Watters said, “It’s not a quick high when people are getting murdered in San Francisco.”

Rivera also said Trump and others who thought as he did on the immigration issue were “exploiting the misery of [the Steinle] family” by talking about the need to control borders while discussing her case. Watters returned fire, telling Rivera: “You’re exploiting it by downplaying it.”

Bolling then jumped into the discussion and told Rivera he “exploits and sensationalizes everything.”

That’s when Rivera’s temper rose: “You’re lucky that you’re my friend. I’d knock you out right now. That’s absolute BS. … What do you do? Where do you get your stuff from?”

Steinle was gunned down in broad daylight as she walked with her father on a pier in San Francisco.

Americans for Legal Immigration, meanwhile, sent out a scathing statement about Rivera about his threat, pressing for his firing.

“Geraldo Rivera is a pro amnesty and pro illegal immigration Hispanic supremacist. He is also a projection racist that stays busy calling other people racist hoping to distract from his own racism,” ALIPAC said. “Now he has really gone too far by threatening another Fox News employee with violence due to his opinions against illegal immigration.”

The organization requested Americans to watch the video of the segment and then contact Fox News and “demand Geraldo Rivera be fired for threatening violence on the air,” the statement read.

Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl K. Chumley is a journalist, columnist, public speaker and author of "The Devil in DC." and "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." She is also a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. Read more of Cheryl Chumley's articles here.

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