America will have to answer for the shedding of innocent unborn life.
That’s just a fact.
If justice is ultimately to be served – and I have no doubts that’s what God intends – the deaths of 55 million unborn babies at the hands abortion must be dealt with as a national crime, much like it was addressed with ancient Israel when the nation allowed babies to be sacrificed to Baal and Molech.
This gruesome practice in America on a scale unknown and unimaginable when Israel was judged is even worse because, one way or another, every American, like it or not, subsidizes the practice with their tax dollars.
We do this through what is euphemistically referred to as Abortion Inc. – or Planned Parenthood.
That organization is not only a tax-deductible “charity,” it also received hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. government to further its work.
You may have heard about Planned Parenthood recently. The corporate, “mainstream,” statist press hasn’t provided much meaningful coverage, but independent, alternative news sources like WND have focused on videos taken of high-ranking Planned Parenthood officials casually discussing the graphic dismemberment of the unborn. The head of the group behind the video says there’s much more to come.
The initial video focused on Planned Parenthood conducting abortions in a manner that would preserve fetal organs intact. The Human Capital Project of the Center for Medical Progress produced the video, alleging Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies for profit. That is a violation of federal law punishable by imprisonment and hefty fines. Planned Parenthood says it donates fetal tissue for medical research and only charges for the amount needed to be reimbursed for its efforts to donate the specimens.
Reaction to both the content of the video and the casual manner in which Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola describes such grisly actions elicited a swift response. Five states and three congressional committees are launching investigations.
Center for Medical Progress President David Deleiden told WND this video was part of a 30-month undercover operation at Planned Parenthood. All we’ve seen to date is the tip of the iceberg.
“We have dozens and dozens of hours of very shocking, troubling footage and admissions from within the top levels of the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood, coming straight from the words of top-level Planned Parenthood executives and officials and medical directors and abortion doctors,” Deleiden said.
And it doesn’t stop there.
“We have probably 100-200 pages of Planned Parenthood body parts purchases, internal documents about the practice,” he added.
Several of those documents have already been posted to the group’s website. For example, one order for the liver and thymus of a 16-week-old unborn baby was sent to Colorado State University’s pathology department.
StemExpress, which is run by Planned Parenthood abortion doctor Ronald Berman, offers its procurement technicians bonuses based on the baby parts they harvest, according to the Center for Medical Progress. Larger bonuses are offered for more valuable body parts.
There’s more video coming, Deleiden promises – if you have the stomach to watch.
Maybe, just maybe, this is what it will take to prick the conscience of a nation.
We should pray that it is not too late and that our national moral conscience hasn’t been permanently seared by turning our heads and pretending what’s been happening for the last 42 years isn’t really happening at all or that we have all willfully convinced ourselves that this issue is really just about “choice.”
Maybe they’re right. Maybe we have made a “choice” – a really bad one. Maybe it’s time for a different choice.
Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].