Palin to Congress: ‘Do your job’ on Iran

By Cheryl Chumley

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate, sent a sharp message to Congress via an op-ed on Breitbart, telling the Capitol Hill members to stop President Obama’s “capitulation” to Iran – that they’re one of the last walls of defense.

“By the way, politicians, any of you supporting this [deal] while still sending our sons and daughters to war under the pretense of fighting threatening regimes; any of you joining the left’s group hug around Iran’s intentions,” she wrote, “I question whether you are fit to shake the hand of a single sacrificial veteran or active duty American.”

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Palin called for a return to America’s greatness – albeit admitting such probably wouldn’t occur under Obama – and pressed Congress to act.

She wrote, Breitbart reported: “We must build up the foundation again; rebuild the wall protecting our – and Israel’s – sovereignty. There are 554 days until we do that, by fundamentally restoring America. In the meantime, Congress, stop the madness. Do your job. Veto Obama’s act of capitulation. Take the white flag of surrender out of this President’s hand.”

Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl K. Chumley is a journalist, columnist, public speaker and author of "The Devil in DC." and "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." She is also a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. Read more of Cheryl Chumley's articles here.

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