The fundamental transformation of the New America, the country once stabilized by vital Judeo-Christian underpinnings, continues to “progress” at stunning speed in a culture rapidly secularizing and careening to disaster. The transformation is creating all sorts of bizarre new possibilities, sent into warp-speed with Anthony Kennedy’s swing vote on gay marriage that will spawn a long, protracted religious battle. Justice Kennedy is the prototype of a dupe, blissfully thinking he has generated peace and love when, in fact, he has just enabled a painful period of persecution for many religious believers at the hands of the forces of “tolerance.”
Among the once-unimaginables in the New America is the image of blue-collar union guys marching arm-in-arm in solidarity with gay comrades in Gay Pride marches. I half-sarcastically raised this possibility in the book manuscript that I turned in several months ago — what became my new book, “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage.” I wrote of such a surreal image, but then deleted it, wrote it again, deleted it again, and then wrote it once more. I thought to myself even then, “Nah, no one will believe this one.”