What will transgenders in military cost America?

By Jane Chastain

There are many ways to take down this powerful country:

  • Pack the Supreme Court with ideologues who ignore the Constitution
  • Dumb down public education
  • Increase the size and scope of government
  • Put more people on the public dole
  • Put the government in charge of health care
  • Over-regulate and over-tax businesses and corporations, driving them offshore or out of business
  • Demonize the productive members of society
  • Refuse an international leadership role
  • Go back on your word to foreign leaders
  • Strengthen the country out to destroy us
  • Weaken the military

Most of these things did not begin with Barack Obama, but there is little doubt that he has picked up the pace. However, two events making the headlines this week should be enough to shake us awake from our political slumber: His bargain with Iran, which has empowered our sworn enemy and accelerated the arms race, and his decision on transgenders and the military.

I have nothing but compassion for those who struggle with a gender identity disorder. However, the military is not a place to work out or even work with physical or mental problems.

My husband wanted to serve in the military. He spent two years in an Air Force ROTC program in college before he received the “big” physical exam. At that time, he was unceremoniously dismissed because of an undiagnosed congenital heart problem. I think the words that sealed his fate were, “Son, we wouldn’t even give you a desk job.”

The heart problem wasn’t his fault, but it ended his dream of becoming a military pilot – and that’s as it should be. The defense of this country should be the top priority of our national government. Everything else is secondary and, many argue, better left to the individual states.

However, a military that is second to none is expensive. As such, the military and taxpayers should not be burdened with anyone who could become or is currently a problem.

Many years of Supreme Court case law support this notion. However, in the last couple of decades our leaders have turned that upside down and have turned the military into a laboratory for social experimentation. As a result, equipment and readiness have been compromised, and those who have served this country with distinction are being shortchanged. Check out the waiting lists and the subpar treatment at many of our veterans hospitals.

On Monday, Obama’s defense secretary, Ash Carter, declared the rules barring transgenders from serving in the military to be outdated and announced that he is creating a working group to review the policies and determine if lifting the ban on transgenders would have any impact of the military’s ability to be ready for battle. However, he said the group will begin with the presumption that transgender people should be able to serve openly “without adverse impact on military effectiveness and readiness.”

If it’s a foregone conclusion, why waste time and money on a study? It’s a done deal! Forget the free college education; with this policy change comes the right to the hugely expensive sexual reassignment treatment and surgery.

Consider the under-reported case of Bradley Manning, aka Chelsea Manning, the Army intelligence analyst who was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking the largest cache of classified documents in U.S. history to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks.

The day after Manning was sentenced in August of 2013, he announced that he intended to live out the rest of his life as a woman and wanted the Army to pay for hormone treatment.

As outrageous as this may seem, 18 months later, the Obama administration decided to comply. Col. Erica Nelson, the commandant of Fort Leavenworth’s detention facility made this announcement:

“After carefully considering the recommendation that (hormone treatment) is medically appropriate and necessary, and weighing all associated safety and security risks presented, I approve adding (hormone treatment) to Inmate Manning’s treatment plan.”

If the military is paying for sexual reassignment treatment for a convicted traitor can there be any doubt the military will pay for sexual reassignment treatment, even surgery, for anyone who enters our armed forces and demands it? That’s what the taxpayers of this country are signing up for.

Over the years, we have unnecessarily spent billions of taxpayer dollars on power steering for our military vehicles and made costly accommodations to our aircraft and weapons systems to accommodate women. We have lowered the physical standards and have created whole departments to deal with quotas and sexual abuse, not because of military necessity, but because of the PC police.

What’s next, wheelchair ramps on tanks?

Media wishing to interview Jane Chastain, please contact [email protected].

Jane Chastain

Jane Chastain is a Colorado-based writer and former broadcaster. Read more of Jane Chastain's articles here.

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