Some are baffled that Donald Trump has ridden a sea of controversy to near the top of the polls of GOP presidential candidates.
The same head-scratching is going on in Democratic circles over the irascible Bernie Sanders who is now within striking distance of their crown princess, Hillary Clinton. How could this aging socialist threaten the planned coordination of their queen?
These two men are as far apart on the political spectrum as any two candidates can be, but they do have one thing in common: bad hair. Is America really yearning for a fright wig or a comb-over?
That’s not it.
Both of these candidates have dared to address the elephants in their respective party’s rooms. In Sanders case, it’s that Hillary is secretive, dishonest and is owned, if you will, by corporate interests, both foreign and domestic.
In Trump’s case, it is that our biggest problem is not ISIS terrorists, Iran, education, the economy or the laundry list that is in every other candidate’s stump speech. It’s illegal immigration.
Americans are not as dumb as most political candidates think. Deep down, members of both political parties know they are being swept along in the political streams of their respective parties, and they aren’t happy where they are headed. They simply are trying to grab a tree branch, a rock or anything they can find to cling to, and the only thing in sight is a Sanders or a Trump.
Both could be compared to the crazy uncle that you try to keep hidden the the upstairs bedroom while guests are in the living room – the one who occasionally makes an appearance and, gasp, utters an unspeakable truth.
In Trump’s case, it is that illegal immigration is a preventable crisis. It has undermined our economy, our education system and our national security. We have no idea who is coming across our southern border. They are gang-bangers, drug dealers, murderers, rapists, terrorists and those simply looking for a better way of life at our expense – but they are all lawbreakers and can be stopped.
However, as long as this illegal flood of immigrates provides Democrats with votes and Republican interests with cheap labor, our present crop of elected representatives could care less. They will give this issue lip service, but they are never going to do anything meaningful about it.
It is foolish to think that the United States can go halfway around the world to stop Iran from building a bomb, Russia from gobbling up neighboring countries or ISIS terrorists, but we can’t stop the flow of illegal immigrates crossing into this country from Mexico.
It is foolish to think that we have to take in everyone – and that includes minors – who manage to cross our southern border and be responsible for them. They are from or are coming through Mexico. Therefore, they should be Mexico’s problem.
It is foolish to think that we cannot deport anyone here illegally who is caught committing a crime, no matter how small.
It is foolish to think that we cannot crack down on employers and individuals hiring illegal aliens.
It is foolish to allow sanctuary cities like San Francisco to flout the law. Just cut off all federal funds to those cities. Deny their representatives seats in Congress, etc. I would love to see that case come before the Supreme Court. Oh, forgot. It’s the Roberts Court! My mistake.
So far, only Ted Cruz and Rick Santorum have come out in support of Mr. Trump’s truthful but unartful message.
Dr. Ben Carson, another thoughtful political outsider who has been at or near the top of the polls, believes we can solve the problem if we simply tighten border security and adopt Canada’s guest worker program.
At first glance, this is a reasonable approach. However, when you examine the Canadian model you find it is fraught with the same problems as our H-1B visa program, which allows highly skilled workers to bypass normal immigration lines. The end result is that companies will take advantage of the cheap labor at both ends of the economic spectrum, and American workers suffer.
Border security and immigration enforcement must be our No. 1 priority. Trump knows it. Voters know it, and until one or more of the other candidates get this right, this crazy uncle will continue to run amok.
Media wishing to interview Jane Chastain, please contact [email protected].