Dear Mr. Buchanan,
I am not in the habit of writing to any columnist with either cheers or jeers. However, your article on immigration being the issue of the 21st century rings true to my ear, and I felt compelled to applaud the bravery it takes to write such a piece in the modern political climate.
Although Canadian by birth and citizenship, I feel a deep connection with my American neighbors. America is without doubt the gold standard of nations and people, a nation founded on the principles of justice, freedom and a spirit of Christian values.
Those of us who would embrace the Christian values of loving thy neighbor and even-handed justice have allowed our generosity to be exploited for too long.
We have allowed throngs of refugees to invade our shores and placated them with compromises to our way of life. The time has come to draw a line in the sand.
I applaud Mr. Trump for his shattering of conventional discussion on the issue, and yourself for having the courage to stand united in good cause.
Our people and our way of life are under attack, and this is, as you rightly stated, the battle of this century.