Who’s the “zoned out” GOP presidential candidate? It’s Dr. Ben Carson.
He admits, in a speech he made in 2011, “zoning out” and also admits: “I really don’t remember what I was doing.”
These statements were made in regard to a lifesaving surgery attempt he and his team were performing in South Africa separating twins cojoined at the head.
Can America afford to have a president who “zones out” in a moment of national crisis when the proverbial 3 a.m. call arrives? Clearly not! … Until you hear the rest of the story.
Dr. Carson explains that he was so overwhelmed at the complexity of the situation in front of him he just asked the Lord to take over.
Was his prayer answered?
In a mighty way. The separation surgery was a stunning success!
Did the doctor pump up his ego by spouting, “Look what I’ve done”? On the contrary, he humbly gave the glory to God, who worked out the results through him.
I believe that when President Carson receives the urgent call at 3 a.m., he will indeed “zone out” and “let go and let God” take over – and America will reap a blessing!
Cue the video to the 15:10 mark.
Robert Blaski