Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has lashed out at WND and other media organizations that reported his recent controversial statements calling for an army of 10,000 to “rise up and kill those who kill us” and citing the Quran’s “law of retaliation” that imposes a “life for a life” standard.
“I never said kill all white people,” Farrakhan said in a video made at a “Justice Or Else” promotional event in Nashville a few days ago and posted on the Final Call, a Nation of Islam website.
“Those are the words of the mischief-makers. If you are going to quote me then quote me! But when you add your evil mischief-making to my words to make white people to think that I’m calling on black people to kill white people to start a race war, then you’re nothing by a lying devil,” he said.
Farrakhan’s latest video can be seen here:
[jwplayer htuC0L8P]
In it, various reports from WND, Breitbart, Western Journalism and others are shown on screen, all referencing Farrakhan’s call for recruiting an army to “kill those who kill us.”
In his new video, Farrakhan stands by his original call for an avenging army.
“When the government fails,” he said, “when liars are judges, when liars are medical examiners, when liars are prosecutors, when liars are district attorneys, when liars allow murder to go on … and the murderer goes home to dinner with his family, when our women are beaten and killed while under detention, how long can a people endure such?”
He added, “The white community is in a better place because blacks that patrol in white communities don’t do to them what whites do when they patrol ours.”
The Nation of Islam leader said the Quran mandates “retaliation” in such instances.
“The Quran says in matters of Islam, it is a life for a life. But we are warned by God not to exceed the limits,” he said.
Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”
“I said in Miami, if the federal government refuses to intercede on our behalf when we are slain, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us.”
He added: “I wouldn’t bring our young women and young men into some place to be slaughtered. But that’s what the white man hopes for. That’s why he makes mischief with my words. ‘Farrakhan wanna get an army to kill people,’ because, you see, white people deserve to die. And they know so and they think it’s us coming to do it. No, no, no.”
WND reported on the original call to action by Farrakhan.
See the video:
[jwplayer tXRvbM8D]
Despite Farrakhan’s protestations, here, in context, is what he said on July 30:
“I’m looking for ten thousand in the midst of the million. Ten thousand men who say, ‘death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny,'” Farrakhan told the congregants at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Miami.
“Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children, while white folks give the killer hamburgers.
“Death is sweeter, than watching us slaughter each other, to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Yes, death is sweeter.
“The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says, ‘retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain.’ Retaliation is a prescription from God (beats his breast), to calm the breast of those whose children have been slain.
“So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”
Despite its extremely inciting nature, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Southern Florida told WND the racially charged speech from July 30 was considered protected political speech under the First Amendment.
Farrakhan made the comments at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami, where he referred to a “400-year-old enemy,” which most took to mean white people.
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder of the Los Angeles-based Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) and a WND columnist, weighed in on Farrakhan’s incendiary comments.
“Louis Farrakhan made terror threats against white Americans in his recent speech at a Baptist church in Miami, and the silence from Barack Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, the media and most conspicuously – black Americans – is deafening,” he wrote. “Farrakhan did not make this speech in a mosque. He made it in a Christian church. And the congregation cheered his chilling threats of death against white Americans as if Jesus Christ had come down from heaven.”
The Nation of Islam is hosting the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March, with its chilling “Justice or Else” theme, on Oct. 10 in Washington, D.C.
Peterson pointed out: “Whites are not killing blacks in large numbers. In fact, the opposite is true. Blacks are robbing, raping and killing whites at alarming rates. And black-on-black crime is higher than ever in cities like Baltimore, New York City and Chicago.
“Farrakhan knows who is really doing the killing. So does Obama and his racist attorney general. So do the media, who routinely magnify instances of white-on-black violence, while masking much more common black-on-white violence.
“The average black person will tell you that Farrakhan is on the fringe – that he doesn’t represent the mainstream black community. Yet they harbor the same hatred toward white people that he does. This is the real reason they will not speak out against him,” Peterson wrote.
“In a sane, just world, Farrakhan would be arrested immediately for making terrorist threats. Yet if he were white – God help him! The ‘Justice’ Department would arrest him so fast, his head would spin. The media would cheer his arrest, and so would the average black American.”