Hero faces boot from Marines for same thing Hillary did

By Around the Web

(Daily Caller) Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign hasn’t yet been derailed by reports of classified mail on her private email server, but a Marine is finding out the hard way that he won’t be granted the same leeway.

Marine Reserves Major Jason Brezler, who has deployed four times, faces discharge for sending a classified report warning others in Afghanistan of the danger posed by Sarwan Jan, a notoriously corrupt district police chief known for trafficking drugs and weapons and suspected of being a “systematic child rapist,” The Daily Beast reports. Brezler filed a suit in December to fight back, saying the board of inquiry which recommended his discharge violated due process rights because the transcript, which two generals used to make the final decision, was riddled with errors and mangled almost beyond recognition.

While serving in Afghanistan, Brezler and Marine Maj. Andrew Terrell gave testimony to Marine intelligence officer Larissa Mihalisko, who initially wrote the classified report on Jan’s activities. After much pressuring, the unbelievable happened. The provincial governor actually removed Jan from his position as police chief.

Soon after, Brezler moved to New York City and started work in the fire department, deciding to also stay on as a Marine reservist. That’s when he received an email to his personal account from Terrell, who said that his friend in Afghanistan had run into Jan and wanted to know more about his background.

Without thinking, Brezler fired over a copy of the classified report he still had on his hard drive to the Marine in Afghanistan that Terrell had mentioned.

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