Hillary’s excuse makes no sense

By Joseph Farah

Do I have this right?

Hillary Clinton says she used her private email server exclusively during her tenure as secretary of state – clearly a violation of government rules, but let’s put that little detail aside, for the moment.

She was secretary of state for about five years.

She says she never received or sent any classified material by email.

Does that mean no one ever sent her classified material and she never sent any to anyone?

If that’s her ludicrous claim, isn’t she admitting that she essentially did nothing as secretary of state? Doesn’t it suggest no one trusted her with classified material? Doesn’t it suggest she was completely out of the loop on national security matters and served as a kind of figurehead?

I haven’t heard any reporters ask these questions, for some reason. But they’re critical to the examination of Hillary’s repeated assertions that she had no contact with classified material disseminated through email.

What is she saying?

We already know Hillary’s use of the private, totally insecure mail server was a serious violation of protocol and a breach of security.

We already know she did, indeed, despite her claims to the contrary, handle classified material through email.

We already know she inappropriately and probably illegally shook down foreign donors for her self-serving Clinton Family Foundation, using her lofty government position for personal gain.

We already know she tried to wipe the server clean so it could not be examined by investigators.

We already know the FBI has taken an interest in her handling of classified material.

We already know she had not one but two secret email servers.

We already know she used her private email server to correspond about highly sensitive national security matters such as specific threats to the Libya hotel where Ambassador Chris Stevens stayed as well as his decision to remain there despite the threats.

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We already know some of her emails contained the exact movements of Stevens while he was stationed in arguably one of the most dangerous zones in the world for any American diplomat.

We already know that Hillary’s servers were not just insecure, but wide open to potential hacks of the most unsophisticated nature.

We already know Hillary ordered a book that explained how to delete emails permanently under a chapter heading, “The Email That Can Land You In Jail.”

I mean, I could go on and on with what the public already knows beyond any shadow of a doubt about Hillary’s email scandal.

But no one has yet asked Hillary the most obvious question of all: “You claim you didn’t handle any emails with classified material for five years as secretary of state. If that’s true, what exactly did you do in your position? How is it that no one sent you classified material? Did they not trust you with it because they knew you were using a private, insecure email server? And how did you not pass along any classified material in five years to other authorized government personnel in all that time by email?”

Do you see my point here?

The next time Hillary says she never knowingly handled any classified material, she needs to be asked how that is possible as secretary of state.

This is her defense? That she did absolutely nothing of consequence dealing with national security matters for five years?

That’s either a really bad joke, or her role as secretary of state was a really bad joke.

I say all this knowing she is lying, of course. That’s already proven.

But since she continues to tell this lie over and over again, why not call her on the obvious problem she is creating for herself by telling it?

Nobody in government, including Barack Obama, ever sent her classified materials?

It’s absurd.

Who could believe such a thing?

Need I remind you that she remains, for the time being anyway, a serious candidate for president of the United States?

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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