ISIS unleashes massive bombing in Baghdad

By Cheryl Chumley

A Baghdad market is in chaos after ISIS unleashed a truck bomb attack.

ISIS terrorists unleashed a massive bombing in a Shiite section in a Baghdad market, killing at least 62 and injuring at least 125.

The terror group posted a message on an affiliated Twitter account, taking responsibility and bragging about its targeting of the Shiite area, Fox News reported. The bomb came from a truck that was detonated in the well-populated Sadr City section.

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Residents carried out bodies of the dead in garbage bags and rushed to help the injured to nearby medical facilities. The bombing left the market area in complete devastation.

Just last month, ISIS bombed another market in the eastern section of Diyala, leaving more than 115 dead.

Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl K. Chumley is a journalist, columnist, public speaker and author of "The Devil in DC." and "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." She is also a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. Read more of Cheryl Chumley's articles here.

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