In the world of the Social Justice Whiner, or SJW, nothing is not offensive. SJW politics are built on mining the never-ending fountain of outrage that is social media and the Internet. If it is happening somewhere, if somebody thought it, if it can in anyway be tied to liberal notions of oppression, sexism, patriarchy, misogyny, intolerance, or inequality, you can bet there is a furious, red-faced, shrieking SJW decrying it. We are all more aware than ever of SJW complaints because the Internet is the preferred stalking grounds of these social-justice bullies. No matter where you go, no matter what platform you use, some SJW activist will be complaining about how awful everybody is about everything.
The SJW crowd would be merely annoying if it weren’t for the fact that they have become increasingly willing to use violence to silence conservatives and libertarians. Take, for example, a video that recently went viral on social media. Titled “Abortion Activist Attacks Pro-Lifers,” the clip was uploaded by an organization called Created Equal Films. If we are to guess from the clues in the video, the young men are anti-abortion activists who were conducting a peaceful street protest in some major city. It is a beautiful, sunny day, and they are standing on a public sidewalk next to placards that decry abortion.
A large woman, seething with near-apoplectic rage, is accosting the two men, who must have started recording after initial contact was made. She is in their faces, pointing her finger and screaming. She is spitting on them as she bellows, and the words she says don’t make a whole lot of sense. In fact, she seems simply to be shrieking SJW liberal keywords: “patriarchy,” “privilege,” “misogyny,” and that sort of thing. She tells the young men over and over again that they are not allowed to have opinions on abortion, because they are not women and they do not have uteruses.
The video takes place on July 9, 2014. The behemoth SJW, whose arm flesh flaps around as she flails her limbs, repeatedly calls her victims every curse you can imagine. She accuses them of lying and tells them that their anti-abortion placards are misleading. She seems to think an unborn baby is a “clump of cells,” and how DARE these men assert otherwise? Her outrage is palpable. She is also irrationally angry over someone else’s freedom of speech.
This is a good time to point out that you and I both have freedom of speech no matter what our opinion on this issue. If I put up a sign that is for or against abortion and I stand on a public street, I am supposed to be able to do that without fear of being assaulted, or of having my property destroyed. Yet in the video, the massive SJW screams at the young men, kicks over their sign, repeatedly tries to destroy their cameras and stop them from filming her, and then flees for all she is worth (watching someone that big run is pretty funny) when they call the police.
In the video, the police eventually catch up with her and remove her from a city bus, on which she is trying to escape. What happened to her after that is not clear.
What IS clear is that the smartest thing those two young men could have done was record the altercation and make it public. SJW activists love to mischaracterize their interactions with their opponents. They have no problem lying about what happened because, in their minds, their opponents are evil, and anything bad that happens to them is entirely justified. It would be very easy for a woman, even one this large, to claim that the men somehow assaulted her, because this furthers some lib narrative about “rape culture” or other nonsense. Instead, the young men not only recorded evidence of her attacks on them, but protected themselves from any retaliatory legal shenanigans by refusing to respond physically to her assaults.
They did not fight her. They did not yell at her. They did not attempt to extract justice themselves for their damaged property. Instead, they remained calm, absorbed her abuse, and did not strike back at her even when she assaulted them. This is very smart. When confronted by an irrational SJW, it is best to make no moves that can be misinterpreted as aggression. Give them nothing they can use against you. Record your evidence and then disseminate that evidence online. Make it public as soon as you possibly can. The SJW crowd will claim that evidence is “edited” or misleading. The message will get out anyway.
The video is nothing new. Every day, there are more examples of SJW violence and threats of violence against all who do not share the left-wing political agenda. Earlier this month, a pair of “Black Lives Matter” activists in Ferguson attacked a driver during the group’s illegal shutdown of I-70. Back in May, across the pond in England, left-wing activists demonstrating in Trafalgar Square tried to physically assault Douglas Carswell. He commented, in his piece on the attack, “I couldn’t help but wonder when the left lost its way so badly.” And left-winger SJW calls for violence against conservatives and libertarians have become an everyday occurrence in social media, such as the myriad threats of violence and murder made against the crowdfunding organizers who tried to support Memories Pizza.
The delicious irony is that the very technology that makes it possible for SJW libs to promulgate their hatred for the right – and anyone else who does not share their statist narrative that casts all men and all whites as intergalactic villains – is the technology that can protect us from them. Recording lib threats and assaults, and disseminating those acts of violence far and wide, shames the SJWs while exposing them for the intolerant thugs they are. In this way, technology truly is a double-edged sword. It is a weapon that can be used for good or for ill depending on the wielder.
Media wishing to interview Phil Elmore, please contact [email protected].