The key to opening heaven

By Sid Roth

Australia’s Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale have learned the “language of heaven” for interpreting dreams and visions.

After a visitation from God, Adam asked for a double portion of Solomon’s wisdom. Shortly after, he started “knowing things” and realized he had a prophetic gift. Adrian’s gift is prophetic teaching, and the ministry of the men complement each other.

They point out how God speaks to us through the “love language” of dreams, which are our personal parables framed around our lives and designed to get behind our natural defense mechanisms. But only when we learn to understand the language of our dreams can we understand what God is telling us.

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See a store full of Sid Roth’s work, including, “They Thought for Themselves,” “Truth Seekers,” “Supernatural Healing,” “The Incomplete Church,” “There Must be Something More,” “Supernatural Experiences” and “Heaven is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations.”

Sid Roth

Raised in a traditional Jewish home, Sid Roth was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Since 1977, his radio and television ministry "Messianic Vision" has sought to boldly proclaim Christ as Messiah, first to the Jews, then to the Gentiles (Romans 1:16). Read more of Sid Roth's articles here.

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