A year ago there was no question that Hillary Clinton was the heir apparent to Barack Obama’s presidency. It was a coronation by all in the media and an absolute given that she was the “only” candidate for the Democratic Party.
It didn’t matter to any of them that she really had not accomplished anything of substance while serving in the Senate or as secretary of state; heck, she had more of an impact as first lady than she ever did in elected office.
So the Democratic Party put all of their eggs in the Hillary basket and did not even try to audition or groom anyone else to challenge her. Yes, there was some buzz around Elizabeth Warren, but for some reason she must have made a deal with the party that she would not interfere with Hillary’s goal of becoming president. Warren has pretty much taken herself out of the fray and is content to serve in the Senate for now.
Why the Democrats put all their chips on Hillary, knowing that scandal, gossip and disgrace follow her and Bill Clinton, is still a mystery to me, but they gambled and are hoping that the dice roll in their favor.
Suddenly, a year later, they are waking up to the fact that they have boxed themselves into a corner. With this email scandal getting worse by the day, her poll numbers falling, the allegations of influence peddling by the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s upcoming testimony on Benghazi looming like a cloud over their heads, the Democratic elites are wringing their hands and looking for an escape route.
I can imagine this scenario taking place: Meetings are being held with the top dog Democrats and donors. They discuss all of Hillary’s problems, what can be overcome and what possibly can’t. They look at their options for other nominees and come up with a thin and shaky list. They see Sen. Bernie Sanders gaining momentum as Hillary plummets, even beating her numbers in some states, but they know that he is a bad bet. Sanders is a declared socialist with a small group of far-left supporters bolstered by Millennials who love his ideology. The Dems have been to this rodeo before. They know that if Hillary is out of the race and Sanders garners the nomination, it will be 1972 all over again, where George McGovern got annihilated by Nixon. That can’t happen so they look elsewhere.
Who’s next? Martin O’Malley whom no one knows and fell like a house of cards when confronted by the “Black Lives Matters” group? Lincoln Chafee whose biggest issue is getting America on the metric system? John Kerry who doesn’t have a clue about what he has created with Iran and couldn’t win anyway? Al Gore, who is yesterdays news and would garner no public excitement, or Joe Biden, who is great for gaffs and comic relief, but just loses over and over again? I would bet that Biden would probably prefer to go out as VP of the United States rather than as a nominee who lost once again. The only possible viable candidate is former Sen. Jim Webb, but it’s a little late in the game for him to pick up money and momentum.
So looking at this picture what choice do the Dems have? They “have” to keep Hillary in the race at all costs. They have to defend her and come up with some way to save her from herself. If they dump her, there will be hell to pay from the feminist block, and they lose a big “war on women” issue – so they have really painted themselves into a corner. Chances are the wheels are already in motion. Why did Bill Clinton play golf with Obama this past week in Martha’s Vineyard? It certainly wasn’t because they love each other’s company. I bet some deals were being structured to make this work. By the way, how do we know what was on Hillary’s server? It has been wiped clean. It could very well implicate Obama in the Benghazi story. Who knows? Maybe the Clintons still have a copy of those emails somewhere as insurance? Or maybe they still have the “real” server.
I guarantee you if there is a strategy to save Hillary’s campaign, this is what you will see. A deal will be reached to slow down this FBI inquiry into the emails, the Justice Department will stall and “look into” everything and just drag it out until everyone gets bored and moves on. They will do it the way the Clintons always do it, and eventually one of her aides or some low-level State Department person will be thrown under the bus for screwing things up and sending Hillary classified emails. She will be exonerated because she didn’t know, she was so busy, she depended on her staff, etc., and the Democratic voters will give her a pass. In 15 months this will all be a distant memory. Or maybe, after it is too late, copies of those emails will suddenly just appear on the dining room table.
On another level, Hillary can’t possibly drop out of the race on her own accord. She has been the presumptive nominee and next president ever since she lost the nomination in 2008. For the past seven years she and Bill have promised and assured big-money donors and foreign countries that she “will be the next president.” They have opened their purses to the Clinton Foundation, given huge speaking fees to both Bill and Hillary and donated huge sums for her election – all for the assurance that they will have a seat at the table in her administration. You think I’m wrong? Up until a few months ago, it was a slam-dunk for them; they couldn’t lose by betting on Hillary. So she better not bail on them. Actually, she can’t. She will get there no matter what it takes, no matter how many illegal votes have to be cast. Come hell or high water, Hillary will have to be the nominee and most likely the next president because there is no other option for her or the Democratic Party.
Media wishing to interview Morgan Brittany, please contact [email protected].