2008 Clinton campaign ad:
It’s 3 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep, but there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing … (Implication: Whom do you want to answer?)
In 2017, if Hillary Clinton is in the White House, she will pick up the phone when it’s from Donald Trump. She will owe him, big time, and she likely will do whatever he asks.
If Donald Trump runs as a third-party candidate, the man who brags about owning politicians will own this president of the United States because he will have put her there. If he plays his cards right, he could become the richest man in the world at our expense. Currently on the Forbes 500, Trump is 405th.
It is no secret that Bill Clinton called Donald Trump just before he decided to run for president and encouraged him to become “more engaged” with the GOP. It also is no secret that Trump is contemplating a third-party run if the Republican Party denies him the nomination. This thin-skinned billionaire with too much time on his hands will go to any length to get revenge for a slight, real or perceived.
Trump prides himself as the consummate deal maker. So has he made or will he make the ultimate deal with the Clintons – a deal that will give Hillary the White House much the way Ross Perot gave it to her husband in 1992?
Donald Trump loves to talk about leverage. He has the ability to fool enough low information voters on the right to assure a Clinton third term. That’s real leverage!
Let’s be clear. Trump is a wealthy man, but he is not the financial genius he claims to be nor did he make it on his own. He inherited wealth from his father. He also learned to wheel and deal, often at the expense of others.
Some of that ugliness came out in the debate last week. When asked about the four Trump companies that had filed for bankruptcy, he had no remorse. Nor did he feel the need to make the lenders whole who were left holding the bag for billions in these investments. Instead Trump said, “Let me just tell you about the lenders. First of all, these lenders aren’t babies. These are total killers. These are not the nice, sweet little people that you think. OK?”
His bottom line was one of the oldest excuses in the book: “Everybody’s doing it.” Trump told Chris Wallace, “I have used the laws of this country just like the greatest people that you read about every day in business. …”
For the low information voter who still believes that Trump can save us, I have a news flash: It is not hard to make money when you have money. Also, it is not simply the people he calls “total killers” that he is willing to take advantage of.
Thanks to John Stossel, we know that Trump once tried to take the property of an elderly widow through eminent domain so he could turn it into a parking lot for limos at his Atlantic City casino. Fortunately for Vera Coking, the widow, that was before the infamous Kelo Supreme Court decision that sanctioned this form of government thievery. Trump says he believes in small government, but actively supports Kelo and single-payer health care.
The record shows that Trump has used his wealth like a club. In addition to being a bully, he makes charges he can’t substantiate. He’s also lazy. He’s running for president, but he’s failed to offer any real plans or do the work necessary to discuss the issues. Therefore, his positions are subject to change at a moment’s notice.
Last week, Trump wanted to shut down the government over funding Planned Parenthood. Now, he says he will fund PP, just not so much. Hmm.
Clearly, Trump thought he could skate by last week’s debate on the strength of his personality and name-calling. Despite all his “I won the debate” bluster, he was mistaken. A new nationwide Rasmussen poll shows his support has dropped by a third. While the results are still being sorted out, a Suffolk poll in Iowa had some interesting details. It showed that Trump’s support is highest – surprise, surprise – among those who didn’t watch the debate!
If Trump made or makes the deal to run as a third-party candidate to give Hillary the White House, it would be his biggest deal ever. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is, but he is a lot smarter than what is left of his supporters.
Media wishing to interview Jane Chastain, please contact [email protected].