Vester Flanagan: Product of our time

By Around the Web

(The Common Constitutionalist) — We teach children that it is not only okay to be wacky and different, but it is to be celebrated. Don’t try to conform, fit in or assimilate. If it makes you “feel” better to get a neck tattoo at the age of 8, you should do that – or a nose ring – or dress up like a little girl. If it improves your self-esteem or your perceived self worth, then we should be all for it.

For decades now, we’ve packed up our children and sent them off to liberal indoctrination camps posing as public schools.

When someone dares to promote something as sensible as school uniforms, they are practically run out of town on a rail. We can’t have uniforms, it is said. That will stifle the children’s creativity and not allow them to express their individualism.

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