Why settle for Trump?

By WND Staff

It seems the GOP voters are making Trump an idol. Although I like much of what he says, I am intelligent enough to know that some of what he says sounds good, but it isn’t going to happen just because he says he will do it.

Also, has anyone considered the fact that his wife and ex-wife posed nude for magazines? Has anyone considered that he is with his third wife? Is his current wife the type of woman we would want for a first lady who is setting examples for our young people?

WND appears to come across as Christian organization. Has anyone there considered that he started out making fun when he was asked about his Christian position?

I have heard him speak a lot and haven’t heard once that he claims to be a committed, God-following Christian. Our prayer is that our next president will be a true, dedicated Christian, a person of integrity, one who doesn’t continually attack other candidates, one who is saying much of what Trump is saying without the boasting, bashing, ego and other nonsense.

I will vote for whomever is the nominee, as the worst GOP candidate is tons better than the best Democrat candidate. But why settle for one whom the press will vilify and dredge up all the hidden things of his and his ex-wives’ lives, filling the mainstream media with them constantly?

Claudia Branham

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