Why we support Trump all the way to the White House

By WND Staff

We the people want no more “oldies” or “professional politicians” being involved in our nation’s government. We are sick and tired of the Democrats and Republicans who do nothing to live in a self-absorbed egotistical life for their own benefits and have forgotten the Constitution and their role as servants!

We need no mentally unstable folks like Hillary, Sanders, Boehner, Reid, McConnell, McCain and the rest. We need fresh men or women who are younger, articulate, smart and have no desire other than to serve the people of this nation. We are so sick and tired of past and present politics, we want to puke!

That is why we will support Trump all the way to the White House. That is why we won’t entertain the oldies or professional engaged politicians on the list running now. None of those will have a chance.

People are on a high wave of getting rid of them and having a fresh-air start with folks like Donald Trump to run the affairs and get the job done with all of us in mind rather than self and party. Down with the party lines and party politics. It stinks!

Lamar Carnes

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