Memo to Trump: Dump Coulter

By Joseph Farah

Not 10 days ago, Ann Coulter couldn’t resist the impulse to tweet out what was widely regarded as an anti-Semitic slur during the Republican presidential debate.

“How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” she asked, as three candidates expressed their support for Israel.

No regrets. No remorse. No apologies.

What did she do for an encore this week?

She tweeted out a vicious slur against Catholics – one that was not only bigoted, but wholly inaccurate historically.

In response to Pope Francis’ politically correct comments about “climate change” and his harsh indictments of free enterprise, Coulter scribbled: “I’m an American and this is why our founders (not “immigrants”!) distrusted Catholics & wouldn’t make them citizens.”

It’s not only anti-Catholic, it’s anti-founders.

It’s absolute nonsense that America’s founders wouldn’t allow Catholics to be citizens. In fact, an entire American colony, later an original state, Maryland, was founded, as a Catholic refuge.

These two public statements coupled together within 10 days suggests one or more of the following possibilities:

  • Coulter will do anything and say anything for attention.
  • Coulter cannot shut up – not even between columns and books and TV appearances. I picture a woman obsessed with the public eye and the limelight 24/7.
  • Coulter badly needs an editor – and a keeper.
  • Coulter is making the case for herself as a WASP bigot.

I gave her the benefit of the doubt after the Jew-bashing remark, as irresponsible and hateful as it was. Maybe she didn’t realize how it would be interpreted.

But now, I think, she liked the publicity it got her.

I can almost imagine her reaction: “Who can I go after next for some publicity?”

It’s sad. It’s shameful. But how else does one explain such bad judgment?

If I were my buddy David Limbaugh, the person she tweeted directly to as well as the general public, I’d be angry. Limbaugh has been close to Coulter for a long time. I would tell Coulter if she plans on tweeting any more bigoted comments, leave me out of it, thank you. I don’t want that stink on me.

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And, if I were Donald Trump, running for the presidency and using Coulter as an opening act at some of his campaign appearances, I would say goodbye to the increasingly thoughtless, conscienceless, shrill, mean, self-righteous, angry and bombastic Coulter.

I hate political correctness as much as anyone.

But this is not a matter of political incorrectness.

This is a matter of raw bigotry and stupidity.

We now have back-to-back examples.

What will she do next?

Does she think she’s being funny, entertaining, informative?

Does she think she’s doing her fellow conservatives a favor with remarks like this?

Does she think this kind of slur adds to the public debate in some way?

She can’t possibly think any of those things. So what is the motivation? Has she run out of material? Does she know how to make a point without defamation and cruelty?

I am also no fan of this pope.

I think he’s more politician than priest.

But I know plenty of good Catholics who agree with me. See my previous columns here and here for examples from earlier this year. I criticized the pope and got overwhelming support from an entirely Catholic audience for taking him on – not just on political matters but on spiritual matters.

One last thought: Coulter has championed border security and sensible immigration policies. Any of us who do know what the No. 1 accusation against us is going to be from the left – bigotry! We’re all just xenophobic, intolerant racists for believing that borders, language and culture mean something to a cohesive and functional, self-governing society.

And what does Coulter do? She makes their case for them!

Not only is she a Jew-baiter and a Catholic basher, but she affirms a fantasy of the so-called “progressives” – that America’s Founding Fathers were narrow-minded Catholic haters, too!

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact [email protected].

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Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah is founder, editor and chief executive officer of WND. He is the author or co-author of 13 books that have sold more than 5 million copies, including his latest, "The Gospel in Every Book of the Old Testament." Before launching WND as the first independent online news outlet in 1997, he served as editor in chief of major market dailies including the legendary Sacramento Union. Read more of Joseph Farah's articles here.

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