James Comey, FBI chief: ISIS recruiting in 50 states

By Cheryl Chumley

James Comey
James Comey

The terror group ISIS is on a mass recruiting campaign through all 50 states, and is actively seeking new members “24 hours a day” across America, said the director of the FBI, James Comey.

And the campaign is resonating, he added, Breitbart reported.

Hundreds are “consuming” the ISIS social media message of joining ranks overseas or, “if you can’t come, kill where you are,” Comey said. “And that is a two-pronged siren song that goes out through social media.”

In “Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance,” renowned activist Pamela Geller provides the answer, offering proven, practical guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities.

The FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies have banded to investigate the ISIS recruitment effort across America.

“We have investigations in all 50 states to try to identify, among hundreds of people who are consuming this poison, where are they on the stages from consuming to acting, and how do we stop them from acting,” Comey said, Breitbart reported.

He made the remarks during a press event at the FBI field office near Cincinnati, Ohio.

“This is not a game,” he said. “If we catch you doing this, you’re going to get a very long stretch in jail.”



Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl K. Chumley is a journalist, columnist, public speaker and author of "The Devil in DC." and "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." She is also a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. Read more of Cheryl Chumley's articles here.

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