Schools spooked, pull U-turn on Halloween

By Around the Web

(NEW HAVEN REGISTER) — MILFORD, Connecticut  Halloween – unless one’s religion deems it satanic, sinful and worthy of godly condemnation – conjures images of carefree children dressed as witches, goblins, or Elsa from “Frozen,” skipping down sidewalks amid the rustle of fall leaves, rushing to the next house where, if luck holds, a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup instead of a packet of dried-out raisins awaits.

But, in Milford, Conn., Halloween now has another association: a PC, PR catastrophe.

Last week, elementary schools in the city of 52,000 that tried to limit celebration of the holiday to protect those who might not wish to participate faced accusations that they were trying to ban Halloween. As a result, they’ve walked the restrictions back – under protest.

The drama began on Oct. 9, when one principal made it known that one tradition – a costume parade in school during school hours – would end.

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