“The system of ‘terror’ was essential to Stalinism. … Terror was the creation to mold politically the control that they wanted.”
– Condoleezza Rice, “Joseph Stalin: Red Terror”
I see that the state-controlled narrative is changing a bit due to the fact that the “useful idiots” who have been playing the stooge for this administration are now coming to the realization that the game they seemed to be playing is not a game at all. It appears that the lawless in America, who have been cheering on this administration through tolerance and apathy, are now beginning to see the severity of this criminal administration, and they now know that they had better get on the right side of Heaven, or the game will soon be over (Deuteronomy 30:19).
Politicians are now calling ISIS “a creation of Obama” and claiming that this president, through his actions, is benefiting ISIS.
After the Paris attacks, what did America hear from this treasonous President Barack Hussein Obama (his Muslim name)? (Luke 3:19) America heard a dictator who was angry and agitated with those who were comparing ISIS to the Muslims.
Well, Barack, like it or not, the created “terror” group ISIS (a global political battering ram to create chaos and upend nations only to consolidate power for the United Nations) is Muslim; and Muslims are ISIS.
Furthermore, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook is on record stating, “The truth is there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called al-Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this is the U.S. …”
Barack Hussein Obama, as well as Hillary Clinton and several other world representatives, are defending the Muslims after the Paris attacks while the victims are condemning the attacks.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel went so far as to call for “tolerance of Muslim migrants” following Paris attacks.
These are those who are responsible for advocating these advancing armies as they plunder the respective countries they are entering.
Mark Dayton, the worst sitting senator in the history of America and now the incumbent governor to the shame of all Minnesotans, told the people he represents to find another state if they do not want Muslim refugees in Minnesota.
In the background, these Muslims, if they are not in Germany plundering churches, schools and raping women, then they are praising the Paris jihadists as martyrs during a moment of silence at Turkey vs. Greece soccer game.
Just look to Europe and tell me what these supposed refugees are all about (Deuteronomy 28:36, 49-50). It might do the American people a service if they look to the sins of Europe to realize that you do not prosper by advocating that which God condemns (Proverbs 14:34).
While in Turkey, Barack Hussein Obama is bravely mocked and scoffed at American patriots that are standing their ground on the home front by refusing to take in the globalists’ advancing armies.
Through Obama’s deceptive ways (John 10:10), while the focus was on jihad in Paris, he released more Islamic jihadis from Guantanamo Bay to the United Arab Emirates. The report came from the Department of Defense, the same DoD in which 5,000 employees were exposed during an ICE investigation for downloading child pornography.
Do not forget about Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson (along with other Muslim Brotherhood operatives), who said that he was there for the “plight of the Muslims.”
And how can you forget about the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, who was meeting with the French intelligence before the Paris terror attacks? John Brennan is a convert to Islam.
Americans have been led to believe that they have to sit back and tolerate the crimes of this administration for one more year, including the unconstitutional targeting of American gun owners.
The French are now attempting to regain their right to bear arms, a right they forfeited before their corrupt politicians, only to be made subjects and targets. Why would a government disarm those who they are to represent in the face of terror? Who benefits from such tyranny?
[jwplayer mh1nmo46]
In the video above, political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International. He brought out several important points that must be considered. Here’s what he laid out:
- The propaganda campaign in Paris.
- How it is aimed at causing people to be afraid of the Muslims.
- How the “War on Terror” is orchestrated from abroad and how NATO is seeing things through.
- How the war is being waged against civilian populations, aiming to divide and conquer all that would oppose a global tyrannical governance.
- How there is no war on terror. There is a war that is using terror proxy groups against nation states that are resisting the United States.
- How there is no such thing as ISIS. ISIS is a creation of the United States, known to us by official military sources and declassified documents.
- How terrorists are coming into countries disguised as refugees to destabilize those countries.
- How this is being used to create “civil war” and social unrest.
- How the media propaganda campaign is used to promote fear to paralyze the people.
- How there may be a new campaign against dissidents. How they are worried about the alternative media that question the state-controlled narratives and attack alternative media as “theorists,”cracking down on those who report rational questioning of the established order.
- How coercive-engineered migration could have been easily prevented.
- How the Military Industrial Complex is profiting from all of this.
- How France and Germany are taking its orders from Washington
If the people do not realize that this is government complicity, then we will find ourselves in a military state under the judgment of God for sure. Repent accordingly!
Media wishing to interview Bradlee Dean, please contact [email protected].