The phrase “Houston, we have a problem” does not do justice to what this nation is experiencing at this moment.
Rather we might say “AMERICA & THE WHOLE WORLD – we have a serious problem!”
I suppose I should not be in shock, but I am. Did you hear the president Monday, condescendingly lecturing us about our “values” and how we should not have a “litmus test” against Muslims?
Mr. President, how about no “litmus test” against Christians? Your administration drives believers out of business, fining them, threatening them and forces them to embrace institutionized sodomy, all the while trampling the First Amendment. But let’s put that issue aside for a moment.
OK, President Obama, we get your “no litmus test for Muslims” policy, but how about at least a thorough vetting process to ferret out radical Islamists? A litmus test for those who want to blow up our planes, to burn our homes, to behead our people, to rape our wives, to sell our children into slavery – Is THAT too much to ask?
I have never beat the “Obama’s a Muslim” drum, and I won’t now. But the evidence is overwhelming that he cares little for authentic Christians, while doing everything he can to affirm Islam and to coddle Muslims – violent or peaceful.
And yes, I know that most Muslims are peaceful, so please, Mr. Obama and all his friends, don’t go on a rant about that. We all get that. No one needs to lecture us on that. I had a (moderate) Muslim as one of the speakers at my wife’s funeral two and a half years ago because of his closeness to our family and to my wife, and I had a (moderate) Muslim speak at my church in June at the FUTURE Conference. So save your breath, and don’t lecture the rest of us about how “the Muslims are peaceful.” We all have peaceful, moderate Muslim friends (the only kind I want). And we all know that God loves all, and Jesus died for all, and we are to pray for all – and we do! That conversation has been had ad infinitum. We get it.
But if the theory is correct that approximately 15 percent (this figure does not come from me!) of Muslims are violent, that is 235.5 million out of their 1.57 billion. That is a lot of people – almost one quarter of a billion – who want to “kill the Jews and then the Christians.”
I will not regurgitate here all the videos on YouTube of Obama affirming Islam. They are multitudinous and well-known. But I will offer two profound statements by Obama that show his pro-Muslim, anti-Christian bias.
1) I have a good friend (with whom I talked again this week so I could confirm this story) who met with the president four times and the VP three times, pleading for the administration to help get Christians out of Iraq before ISIS beheaded them. My friend had the names of approximately 80,000 Iraqi Christians in imminent danger along with cell phone numbers for many of them. He pleaded with the president to rescue them, even saying, “Mr. President, you are a Christian. These are Christians. This could be your legacy – that you saved the Christians.”
My friend painfully – I mean, really painfully – describes what happened next. Obama showed no concern for the Christians, threw his head back, look upward, rambled on for a bit (my friend said, “I am not even sure what he said. It made no sense”) and then – after hearing this desperate appeal to save Christian men, women and children – muttered dismissively, “Well, the Muslims are suffering, too.”
That fact may be correct. But he had the chance to save identified Christians before their beheaders came. He wouldn’t. He didn’t. The next time I talked with my friend, 12,000 of them were dead!
2) Rep. Kevin McCarthy, House majority leader, told a group of 400 of us that while having breakfast with the president in the White House with a small group, Obama leaned back on his chair and said, “Hey, Kevin, the Muslim Brotherhood is not as bad as you think.”
Then came Monday’s speech! The president was given the world stage in the aftermath of the Paris murders, as he spoke at the G20 Summit. What did he do? He pedantically lectured us on having a “litmus test”! How we are not compassionate if we don’t want to open our borders to totally unvetted, unexamined Middle Easterners – 65 percent of whom are males. He wants to import “Paris” to America!
We are now at STAGE THREE.
In STAGE ONE, we were all in shock at the things Obama did, thinking, “He is merely inept. Surely this must be incompetence. No competent person would do this.” So we thought.
STAGE TWO was “This is more serious than ineptness. He is devious. This is part of his Saul Alinsky training coming out. He is smart. But this is intentional. He is not interested in merely ‘fundamentally changing’ America. He is set on perverting her.”
But now we have entered STAGE THREE. This one is much more serious. Commentators on TV are now using the term “delusional” as they describe his indescribable and atrocious response to the horrors of Paris from the G20 meetings in Turkey.
What did he do? First, he released five more terrorists from Gitmo, on Sunday night, before the French victims could even be buried. He did this horrific act while the news cycle was covered – I started to say “buried,” but the term is too painful to use here – with news from Paris.
Even the members of his own party are now expressing embarrassment at his timid, lackluster, passive and mindless response to the terror threatening the globe. Even left-wing MSNBC commentators are saying, “Mr. President, come on!”
This world is on fire. Even former military and former ambassadors are warning us that we are in the most precarious role we have been in since World War II. And the man who should be responding with Winston Churchill-ian forcefulness comes through with even greater cowardice and meaningless chatter than Neville Chamberlain, chastising us for not being loving and compassionate!
Remarkably, he has no compassion for us as Americans. He has no vetting system in place, no commitment to protect the citizenry of the United States. This is profoundly serious.
Yes, I know that God is God. I know that Jesus is Lord. Those facts have not changed. And yes, I have “read the back of the book.”
But I also know we are to “occupy” till he comes.
So we must prayer. Fervently pray. Like never before. Pray as if your lives depend upon it. Because they do.