What is it about Hillary Clinton and videos that allegedly insult Islam?
As secretary of state, Clinton was one of the first to explain the Sept. 11, 2012, deadly attack in Benghazi that left four Americans dead as a spontaneous response to an online video that insulted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
That claim was false and known to be false when made.
Now, in Saturday’s New Hampshire Democratic debate, Clinton has made another claim about videos, linking GOP front-runner Donald Trump and ISIS.
Attacking Trump’s recent comments about temporarily banning Muslim immigration until the federal government could better ensure terrorists were not entering the U.S., Clinton accused Trump of “becoming ISIS’s best recruiter” and claimed the terror group was featuring him in their videos.
“[Americans] need to make sure that the really discriminatory messages that Trump is sending around the world don’t fall on receptive ears,” she said. “He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter. They are going to people, showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists.”
But evidence that such videos exist or that ISIS is using them is lacking.
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J.M. Berger, an expert on ISIS’s social media and the author of “ISIS: The State of Terror,” told the website Vox that such videos would be news to him.
“I would be surprised if they had and we didn’t hear about it in a big way,” Berger tweeted, noting that he hasn’t been “watching scrupulously lately.”
Clinton continued to take swipes at Trump and Republicans.
“I want to explain why this is not in America’s interest to react with this kind of fear and respond to this kind of bigotry. … We have to reach out to Muslims and say, ‘You are not our adversary. You are our partner.'”
“Mr. Trump has a great capacity to use bluster and bigotry to inflame people,” Clinton said.
Earlier in the debate, Sanders publicly apologized to Clinton for one of his campaign staffers accessing her voter files held in a Democrat Party database.
He explained that a breach had occurred months before when the vendor contracted to manage the Democrat candidates’ data erroneously sent Clinton-campaign data to his own campaign. Sanders said his staff quietly contacted the vendor to alert the mistake and did not view the data. But when a similar breach occurred again recently, one of his staffers took advantage of it and accessed the Clinton data. The individual was subsequently fired.
Asked by debate moderators if he would apologize, Sanders curtly responded, “I apologize,” adding “I want to apologize to my supporters. This is not the type of campaign that we run.”
Despite defusing the simmering dispute between the two campaigns with the apology, Sanders went on to blast the Democratic National Committee for initially denying his campaign access to all voter data.
“That is an egregious act,” he said.