Non-Muslims encouraged to wear Islamic head scarf at school

By Leo Hohmann


A Muslim student helps a non-Muslim girl to properly wear her hijab for the day at Vernon Hills High School in Chicago last week.
A Muslim student helps a non-Muslim girl to properly wear her hijab for the day at Vernon Hills High School in Chicago last week

Chicago’s Vernon Hills High School held a “Walk a Mile in Her Hijab Day” last week as non-Muslim female students were encouraged to wear the hijab or Islamic head covering.

The event was sponsored by the school’s 10-member Muslim Student Association, a known front group for the Muslim Brotherhood and an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror-financing trial ever held on U.S. soil.

Meanwhile, Wheaton College professor Larycia Hawkins announced on her Facebook page Dec. 11 she would be wearing a hijab during Advent to show “religious solidarity with Muslims.” Wheaton is a private, evangelical Christian college in Wheaton, Illinois.

“I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book. And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God,” Hawkins said.

Wheaton College Professor Larycia Hawkins, a Christian, is wearing the hijab or Muslim head scarf "in religious solidarity with Muslims."
Wheaton College Professor Larycia Hawkins, a Christian, is wearing the hijab or Muslim head scarf “in religious solidarity with Muslims.”

The Wheaton political-science professor said she hopes she is not the only non-Muslim woman wearing a hijab this holiday season, as she wants to start a movement of women showing their solidarity for Muslims.

The purpose of the Vernon Hills High School event was ostensibly to give non-Muslim female students the opportunity to wear the head covering and gain a “better understanding of the Muslim faith” and “denounce negative stereotypes,” the Daily Herald of Chicago reported.

But several former Muslims now living in the U.S. tell WND that such “hijab” events, which are popping up at high schools and college campuses across the U.S., will actually achieve the opposite.

“To me, there are two things troubling here,” said Shahram Hadian, who grew up Muslim in Iran and immigrated to Canada before moving to Washington state and becoming an evangelical Christian pastor.

Pastor Shahram Hadian grew up Muslim in Iran.
Pastor Shahram Hadian grew up Muslim in Iran.

Hadian said the MSA’s indoctrination campaign has been rampant on college campuses for years but now it is mobilizing in U.S. high schools as well.

At Boise State University, for example, the MSA holds an Islamic Week every year and for an entire day during that week they encourage every woman on campus to wear the hijab.

“But the troubling thing is how is MSA now getting access to our high schools? And number two, how is that not the state promoting a religion?” Hadian said of the Chicago event.

Would the high school, for instance, allow a Christian student group to encourage non-Christian students to wear crosses for a day? Or what about a Jewish group encouraging Muslims to wear the Star of David?

“It’s just hypocrisy at its pinnacle,” Hadian said. But the Muslim Brotherhood is very clever in the use of propaganda, he said, and apparently the atheist lawyers at the ACLU have given the MSA a pass.

During the Holy Land Foundation terror trial in 2007, the MSA was exposed as a Muslim Brotherhood front in a broad conspiracy to take over the U.S. slowly through nonviolent “cultural jihad,” which involves immigration, high birthrates among Muslim families and using the nation’s own civil liberties against it.

Attorney Daniel Akbari once practiced law before Iran's top Shariah court. He now lives in America and converted to Christianity.
Attorney Daniel Akbari once practiced law before Iran’s top Shariah court. He now lives in America and converted to Christianity.

Daniel Akbari, a former top Shariah attorney in Iran who converted to Christianity and defected to the U.S. in 2008 while here on a student visa, said the hijab is a symbol of Shariah, or Islamic law. And every Muslim who has studied the Quran knows this.

“For a school to do that, they are promoting Shariah and supporting what Americans call Islamists, but they are just true Muslims. This is not the promotion of humanity. This is support for a hard-line ideology that leads to Shariah, honor violence and honor killings,” said Akbari, who lives in Texas and authored two books on jihad and Shariah. His latest is, “Honor Killings: A Professional’s Guide to Sexual Relations and Ghayra Violence from the Islamic Sources.”

Americans need to counter that narrative among Muslim girls, he said, if there is going to be any hope of Muslim immigrants assimilating into U.S. society.

“We should be encouraging these girls to take off their hijab and try to become more free and get involved in the community, not telling our kids to have that mindset of slavery and against women’s rights,” Akbari told WND.

Here’s the stunning manual on how to stop radical Islam in the United States, now from Pamela Geller.

Dr. Mark Christian, a former child imam who grew up in Egypt and now lives as a Christian in Nebraska, said Western cultures are making a huge mistake by embracing a key element of Shariah.

“At a time when a rising number of Muslim women in the Middle East, especially in Egypt, are taking off their hijab for good, liberating themselves from its symbolism of enslavement and inequality and from being labeled as radical Muslims in the wake of the Arab Spring and the reality of radical Islam that it brought on the Middle East, and at a time when many Muslim women are trying to find their freedom and advocating for the freedom of their fellow Muslim women, I find it treasonous that in America liberals are resorting to such actions, encouraging hijab and enslavement of women and labeling them as a sex objects,” said Christian, who heads up the Global Faith Institute.

Dr. Mark Christian grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and converted to Christianity as an adult. He has been disowned by his family.
Dr. Mark Christian grew up in a prominent Muslim family in Egypt and converted to Christianity as an adult. He has been disowned by his family.

“When those in the West advocate for hijab, they are not siding with the peaceful Muslims but with the radicals,” he said. “They are not advocating freedom but enabling and encouraging torture, inequality and the inhumane treatment of women in Islam.”

Yet most liberal feminists are quiet when it comes to the hijab, female genital mutilation and honor violence within Islamic cultures.

A sign of ‘voluntary dhimmitude’?

In Muslim countries, Hadian said non-Muslim women are forced to wear the hijab, not as a sign of respect but as a sign of servitude and submission to Islam.

In fact, the mayor of Minneapolis, Betsy Hodges, wore a hijab when meeting with representatives of her local Somali refugee community in 2014, as WND reported.

Hodges saw it as a sign of “respect,” but it goes much deeper than that for Shariah-compliant Muslim men, Hadian said.

Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges showed up for a meeting with Somali Muslims in a hijab in April 2014.
Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges showed up for a meeting with Somali Muslims in a hijab in April 2014.

“The hijab is a in integral part of not only the Muslim faith, but if you are a non-Muslim woman traveling in a fully Muslim country you are directed to wear a hijab, and that’s a sign of servitude to their law,” he said. “You are saying, ‘We acknowledge this is Islamic law,’ and it’s a form of dhimmitude.

“But we in the West are doing it out of stupidity or willingly bowing to voluntary dhimmitude,” he continued. “They, the MSA, know exactly what they’re doing. Wheaton is a Christian College and should know better. So I say if that was not a mistake, she needs to step down as a professor there.”

Christians ‘worship same God’

Hawkins, who has been on the Wheaton faculty since 2007, said not only are Muslims her neighbors but they also “worship the same God.”

This is an astonishing comment from a professor at an evangelical Christian college, Hadian said.

“She believes Allah and the Christian God are the same. That’s heading into the Chrislam movement, where they are coming out and saying it’s the same god when even in the Quran it says they are vehemently opposed to each other,” he said.

Wheaton posted a statement on its website stating that it did not endorse Hawkins’ views.

Akbari said college professors like Hawkins and high schools like Vernon Hills are just being “good little liberal foot soldiers” in the Islamic culture war against Judeo-Christian values.

The result, he says, can be personally devastating for Muslim girls trying to assimilate into Western society.

Some Muslim girls want to take off the hijab

“Some Muslim girls, they go to the restroom at school after being dropped off by their parents and put a Western dress on and take off the hijab,” he said. “We are discouraging those kids who are trying to assimilate to the culture. Some of them go to restroom when they get to school to change, and the principle is calling their parents and betraying them, promoting the hijab. I have seen it happen. I have called the principle and told him, ‘Hey, shame on you,’ because that betrayal can lead to honor violence against the child. They will get at least a beating when they get home.”

He said the reason some Muslim girls want to discard the hijab “is because they know that hijab is a sign of slavery. They have seen it firsthand in their culture, and now we in the U.S. are we going to promote this sick bondage? That’s nonsense from a civilized nation like United States.”

Leo Hohmann

Leo Hohmann has been a reporter and news editor at WND as well as several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas. He also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina. His latest book is "Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration And Resettlement Jihad." Read more of Leo Hohmann's articles here.

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