Sen. Ted Cruz was given a somewhat shocking response for his debate stage scold of New York City as a bastion of liberal values, with a middle-finger salute in one of the area’s local newspapers, the New York Daily News.
The headline on Friday’s edition blasted in all caps: “Drop Dead, Ted.”
The sub-headline then read: “Hey, Cruz: You don’t like N.Y. values? Go back to Canada!”
But the accompanying front-page image was even blunter. The newspaper displayed an angry Statue of Liberty with her right hand extended, middle finger flipped – the widely recognized sign for [expletive] off.
In smaller text by the image, the Daily News printed: “GOP presidential wannabe Ted Cruz (inset) can expect one-finger salute from New Yorkers after he disparaged our values.”
Cruz’s statement during Thursday night’s televised debate that caused such outrage was one that spoke to New York City’s liberal values. Specifically, he said the city was “socially liberal” and filled with residents who “focus on money.” The quip led contender Donald Trump to scold the senator for his “very insulting statement,” which won big applause from the audience.
Response to the New York Daily News headline, as the Blaze found, was nonetheless largely slanted in Cruz’s favor.
“@NYDailyNews I am NOT a supporter of Cruz, however this picture is disgusting, even for N.Y. media,” tweeted one.
And another: “@NYDailyNews Way to perfectly illustrate Cruz’s point. This is embarrassing.”
Yet another: “@NYDailyNews Oh yeah, that’ll teach ’em some values! How the hell are you hacks still selling papers?”
And one more: “@NYDailyNews wtf is wrong with you?? You just can’t wish death on ppl! Everyone has a right to their own personal opinion.”
What do YOU think? Weigh in on Ted Cruz’s comments on ‘New York values’