Donald Trump, who just came in second in the Iowa caucuses, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by an unknown source.
The nominating entity hails from the United States, but his or her name wasn’t released to the press.
Kristian Berg Harpviken, director of the Peace Research Institute in Oslo, confirmed Trump was among the nominations presented for the 2016 prize.
The nomination includes language that credits Trump’s “vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China,” AOL News reported.
In 2009, President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace prize. But the former director of Norway’s Nobel Institute, Geil Lundestad, expressed regret with that selection in his later-published memoirs.
In an interview in 2015 with the Associated Press, Lundestad said: “[We] though it would strengthen Obama and it didn’t have this effect.”