Heads I win, tails you lose

By Craige McMillan

There is perhaps no better analogy for the America we live in than the “coin toss Iowa caucuses” where Democrats in Iowa duked it out on Monday. Six tosses and six wins for Ms. America.

In a sane nation, it would be difficult to find six supporters of Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy for president. As secretary of state she left people to die in Benghazi, ran her communications off the books on private email servers, conducted Clinton Foundation business during State Department meetings and passed the most sensitive compartmentalized intelligence information around among her cronies as if it were the latest “cute cat” video making the rounds on Facebook (which, for all we know it may have been).

My, what a long way Mrs. Clinton has come from her altruistic college days and her Watergate investigative committee attack job as a new lawyer. Her law partner from Arkansas, Vince Foster of the Rose Law Firm, may have been able to provide some insight into what actually turned her to the dark side, but someone put a bullet into the deputy White House counsel’s brain one evening in Ft. Marcy Park. Who knows? It may even have been him.

Mrs. Clinton’s arch-enemy in Iowa was Bernie Sanders, the independent running against her for the Democratic nomination. Bernie’s history shows he believes in taking care of people. In today’s America, that means he has a lot of supporters. Mrs. Clinton and the cronies who would go to the White House with her seem mainly concerned with taking care of the Clintons at the expense of the rest of the people.

The Republicans

On the Republican side, Sen. Ted Cruz blasted through the Iowa caucuses and zipped in front of Trump by having his campaign tell Ben Carson’s supporters that the good doctor had dropped out of the race, and that they should vote for him. This necessarily lowered Dr. Carson’s support in the caucuses. Carson hadn’t dropped out, but the damage was done.

Sen. Cruz, however, was fighting against being born in Canada to an American mother and Canadian father, which disqualifies him as a “natural born citizen,” a term the Constitution uses to describe someone having both an American mother and father. Guess the founders considered the presidency pretty important, huh?

Sen. Rubio has an even weaker case, since neither of his parents were American citizens at the time of his birth. Naturalized is not natural born. For the difficulties the Constitution was trying to prevent, you only need look at Sen. Obama and his father’s Kenyan nationality (as shown on his birth certificate). The common meaning ascribed to “natural born citizen” when I went to school was both your mother and father were American citizens at the time of your birth, and you were born either in America or on “American soil,” which included diplomatic missions and military bases. The presidency alone has this requirement. Adhering to it would have saved us a lot of trouble, would it not?

The Establishment

The D.C. Establishment, having feasted on eight years of Federal Reserve “stimulus,” is in a panic that the gravy train may get stuck in the D.C. Station, plug up the works and never again leave. With their candidates doing poorly – how many reruns does America need, anyway? – they have cast the insider’s net wider and wider to avert personal financial disaster.

The last time America had a real depression, stimulus dollars were spent to build infrastructure and provide jobs to those who needed them, not feed and house Wall Street bankers in the custom to which they have become accustomed. All the D.C. stimulus diners have done this time around is run little hate rings, using the government’s power against those of us who disagree with their policies (heads we win, tails you lose).

For honest Americans, this leaves basically Trump on the right and, if you like free things (that somebody else has to pay for), Sanders on the left. It’s rich of the D.C. insiders to try to discredit Trump for money he donated to candidates in both parties, while all they can do is line up with their hands out. (And in the case of the Clintons, their reach is worldwide, not domestic, through their foundation.)

So in this sense, whichever candidate wins, Iowa truly is a precursor for the nation.

Does God accomplish his purposes by coin toss, too?

Media wishing to interview Craige McMillan, please contact [email protected].

Craige McMillan

Craige McMillan is a longtime commentator for WND. Read more of Craige McMillan's articles here.

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