Hillary’s wicked heart

By Bradlee Dean

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt

Outside of the fact that a good portion of Americans believe that the Clintons operate outside and above American laws, they, along with other criminal players, have gotten America’s eyes off of Oregon. They have been found to be taking massive payoffs, while promising the Hammond ranch and other “publicly owned lands” to Russians with one-fifth of our uranium ore. This is one detail the state-controlled narrative steers clear of concerning what is taking place in Oregon.

Recently, the lawless Hillary Clinton even came out of the closet, sharing on her Facebook account about how her beliefs are aligned with the Ten Commandments.

During a town hall meeting in Knoxville, Iowa, a young woman asked Clinton, “I’m just curious how you would say that your beliefs align with the Ten Commandments, and if that’s something that’s important to you.”

“I am a person of faith,” declared Clinton. “I am a Christian, but I do believe that in many areas, judgment should be left to God. …”

It’s interesting that she would say that, because the Lord said just the opposite in Leviticus 26:15-17.

She goes on to state, “… being more open, tolerant (to the issues that are destroying America) and respectful of people who’ve had different life experiences is part of what makes me humble about my faith.”

This daughter of Belial advocates what God condemns with every word that comes out of her lying mouth and wicked heart (Jeremiah 17:9).

It is also interesting to note that without fail these wicked politicians talk of their “Christian faith” during the campaigns. Barack Hussein Obama did the same thing (Matthew 24:5).

This should be a wake-up call to all those who deny that America is a Christian nation. Today, 78 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. These politicians are attempting to appeal to the majority of Americans during their campaigns yet in-between do the devil’s biddings at every step.

Also, when I pulled up Mrs. Clinton’s Facebook account, I notice there were other pages that have been set up in opposition to her, such as “Hillary Clinton Sucks,” “Hillary Clinton is WRONG for America,” and several titled “HILLARY CLINTON FOR PRISON.”

When I finally got to her page, there were a whopping 2,355,735 likes on her page!

Even more telling was that when Clinton was secretary of state, the Associated Press reported, the State Department was buying Facebook “likes.”

“In 2013, the State Department, which has more than 400,000 likes and was recently most popular in Cairo, said it would stop buying Facebook fans after its inspector general criticized the agency for spending $630,000 to boost the numbers. In one case, its fan tally rose from about 10,000 to more than 2.5 million.”

But that isn’t all. When Hillary opened up her campaign in Iowa, there were actually more reporters who attended than voters.

Clinton’s Iowa campaign kickoff event roused a whopping 22 people! National Journal reports:

Gone are the soaring speeches and the big rally crowds, swapped out for roundtable discussions and meet-and-greets with local activists.

But the dozens of reporters both in the room and chasing after her van outside were a reminder of just how difficult it will be for one of the most recognizable public figures in the world to hold events that truly feel intimate.

On Tuesday, for example, Clinton was seated at a table with just seven other people for the discussion, with an audience of another 15. But those Iowans were far outnumbered by the dozens of reporters who were bunched together behind a thin yellow rope at the back of the room.

Indeed, despite some limits on the number of press credentials handed out by Clinton’s Iowa team – each outlet had one person in the room, and national television and photography was pooled – it still was a big group. Bigger yet was the press crowd outside, where reporters who weren’t admitted to the event chased Clinton’s van when it first pulled up here, contributing to the feeling of a media circus surrounding the former secretary of state’s Iowa launch.

Clinton joked about the horde of reporters as the event opened, telling the seven roundtable participants: “Well, thank you for having me here – and a few of my friends.”

That is not all, friends. According to her Twitter account as of April 14, 2015, Clinton had 3,351,547 Twitter followers. However, as the Daily Mail reports:

According to two popular online measuring tools, no more than 44 percent of her Twitter fan base consists of real people who are active in using the social media platform. And at least 15 percent – more than 544,000 – are completely fake.

Like her Alinsky comrade Barack Hussein Obama, who had more than 19 million fake Twitter followers, 56 percent of Clinton’s Twitter followers were created out of thin air. Simply put, they create the support that they do not have.

Video: “Who supports this administration anyway?”

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We know that the only ones who show up to her speeches are the state-controlled media in an attempt to make her campaign look legitimate. Remember, America, this is nothing more than a Saul Alinsky tactic: Cause the enemy to believe that that there are more of you than there really are.

Video: “Barack Obama’s master, Saul Alinsky”

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Bradlee Dean

Bradlee Dean is an ordained preacher, heavy metal drummer, talk-show host of the Sons of Liberty Radio, and a speaker on college and high school campuses, in churches, and headlines for patriot events across the country. He also is the producer of the 5-DVD documentary "My War." Bradlee is currently involved with a lawsuit against MSNBC and Rachel Maddow and could use all the prayers and financial support possible. Tax-deductible donations to help restore this generation back to America's biblical foundation can be made online. Follow Bradlee on Facebook. Read more of Bradlee Dean's articles here.

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