Rubio’s right about ‘O’ transforming Amerika

By Jane Chastain

Marco Rubio was exactly right when he said Barack Obama knows “exactly what he’s doing.” He may have repeated himself three times too many in the New Hampshire debate, but the point Rubio made to counter his GOP opponents’ attack on his inexperience was spot on.

This should in no way be taken as an endorsement for the junior senator from Florida. I believe that there is a good chance Rubio will be the eventual nominee. However, he lost me when he dismissed the anchor baby problem by sweeping it under the ambiguous 14th Amendment.

Nevertheless, Rubio is right about Barack Obama. He is without a doubt the most transformational president since Ronald Reagan.

If the truth be known, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were simply placeholders. There were the usual party squabbles, scandals, budget deals, tax hikes and cuts. The economy went up and down. There were wars and scrimmages, the savings and loan debacle, recessions, the bubble and the housing crisis.

However, throughout their terms, the ship of state sailed a relatively steady course. The national debt, the growth of government and the number of onerous regulations were on a slow but steady climb. Meanwhile, the leaders of both political parties played footsie, content to do nothing for fear they would damage their chance of being re-elected.

The problems we are facing in this country are not a result of Obama’s inexperience. The problems we are facing in this country are a direct result of Obama’s resolve to transform this country from a capitalist free-market economy to a socialist system he believes to be better, fairer and socially just.

Barack Obama, the community organizer and one-term senator with lofty rhetoric about “hope and change,” was swept to victory on a tide of optimism – and why not? The nation had just experienced the biggest recession since the Great Depression, and we were all ready for something better.

Those who had studied his record were aware of his long-term goals and objectives, but I, for one, was optimistic as the first American black president was sworn into office, believing that he would take a more pragmatic approach.

When Obama began a hard left turn, I shared my dismay with a friend, a high-level congressional staffer whose Senate office had been located next to Obama’s. He had gotten to know our 44th president and his staff quite well during that time.

He said, “Jane, if you or I were elected president, would we do the things we feel really need to be done for this country, or would we simply do the things that would get us past the next election?”

“We would do the things that we feel need to be done for this country,” I responded matter-of-factly. “That’s exactly what Obama is doing,” he explained. “Obama is a true believer. In his heart of hearts, he’s a Marxist, and he really doesn’t care about his next election.”

Obviously, the American people didn’t care about it either. In 2012, with so many people out of work, the economy in the tank and his policies universally unpopular, Mickey Mouse should have beaten him. Then, at the 11th hour, along came Hurricane Sandy. Mitt Romney, who was not a good candidate, suspended his campaign. Chris Christie gave Obama that bear hug on the Jersey shore. Our hearts went out to this small, sympathetic figure amid the rubble. He was trying so hard …

It should be obvious to everyone by now that Obama was not simply trying; he was and is doing it – transforming this once great and powerful country that was a beacon of hope to the rest of the world into one that is easily bullied.

In seven short years, he nearly doubled the national debt. He weakened our military. He kicked sand in the face of our friends and strengthened our enemies. He opened our borders and created an atmosphere of lawlessness. He further divided the races. He took over one-sixth of our economy. He kicked the rungs out from under the ladder of opportunity, put more people on the public dole and abused the power of his office.

With little or no push-back from the weak-kneed Republican leaders in Congress, it is little wonder there is a general feeling of helplessness among so many. They are willing to give up what’s left of their freedom to a leader who will promise to give them something – anything – for nothing.

Yes, Obama has successfully transformed Amerika.

Media wishing to interview Jane Chastain, please contact [email protected].

Jane Chastain

Jane Chastain is a Colorado-based writer and former broadcaster. Read more of Jane Chastain's articles here.

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