
By WND Staff


I’m heartbroken in reading your thinking. Obama would not have done the damage he has if we had stopped him using Article II, but the Washington Cartel didn’t care about defending our quaint Constitution or insulating our commander in chief from foreign influence, only in decimating those who interfere with their donors’ agendas.

Whether Ted Cruz has any conflicts of interest vis-a-vis Canada or Cuba, which might be as worrisome as Obama’s Muslim sympathies, is way off point. Accepting this latest subversion of the founders’ requirement for two U.S. citizen parents may well set an irreversible precedent that could lead to more Obamas, if not worse. Obviously, Cruz would never appoint a textualist like Scalia.

Like Mark Levin, your rationale would have us cease being a nation of laws if pundits find it preferable. John Adams, Justice John Marshall, et al. are rolling in their graves. Your decision and faith-based explanation for it forever ruins your credibility with me, at least. You have abdicated your moral authority by absurdly arguing that the ends justify the means.

Don Parker

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