The 44th president of the United States, Barrack Hussein Obama, entering his last year as a “lame duck” holder of the White House, has evidently decided to begin a final victory lap with the Castro brothers in Cuba, appearing now with the gray hair we have come to expect from every aging rock star seeking to bow out with a run of concerts on a farewell tour.
Obama has already announced he would equally like to visit Tehran before he leaves office, adding the Islamic Republic of Iran to the list of U.S. enemies the president somehow still believes he can charm into civility.
In two terms as president, Obama arguably has implemented an economic policy that has increased economic disparity between the rich and poor, while capping off his domestic policy with attacks on the police and support for groups on the radical left like Black Lives Matter that have left race relations at a level of conflict that was inconceivable when the Voting Rights Act was signed into law in 1964.
With regard to foreign policy, Obama has dramatically reduced the strength of America’s military, while refusing to utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism” as he performs the wave with Raul Castro at a baseball game where he gives his only interview on the terrorist bombings in Brussels to ESPN.
Overall, it has been quite a prize-winning achievement, as the Russian military intervenes in Syria, ISIS throws the Middle East into crisis and Iran test fires intercontinental ballistic missiles before the ink is dry on the much-touted nuclear agreement Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated releasing billions of dollars without requiring Tehran to abandon its “Death to Israel” rhetoric.
What ever happened to Obama’s 2009 inauguration promise to “refurbish the U.S. image abroad,” especially in the eyes of Muslims, to end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to “reset” relations with Russia? Obama has indeed bent the arc of history – and precisely in the opposite direction of his feeble and naïve words.
But maybe we are harsh in judging Obama as delusional in thinking his performance in office justifies a final victory lap tour. Maybe, just maybe, Obama’s presidency has turned out precisely as he planned.
So, Obama’s victory tour starts in Havana, Cuba, where Obama agrees that the Castro brothers probably have a legitimate gripe against the United States for John F. Kennedy overreacting, just because in 1962 Russia placed a few ballistic missiles armed with nuclear warheads on the island.
After declaring the Cold War with Cuba over, perhaps we are lucky Obama flew off to Argentina before he gave Gitmo away.
What countries might be next?
Obama might return to Africa, the continent of his father’s birth, where he could meet with Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe, asking him to explain how he managed to get himself appointed president for life.
Before leaving Africa, Obama might spend a a day in Pretoria and give his regards to ANC oligarch Jacob Zuma.
His next stop might be Paris, France, where Obama could stand tall with Socialist President François Hollande, his firm ideological eco-buddy. Together, Obama and Hollande might celebrate the United Nations Climate Treaty for all its tax-increasing possibilities.
Certainly, Obama will visit eastern Ukraine with a side trip to Crimea, where he can toast with the invading Russian army. Obama will certainly want to acknowledge Putin’s takeover of the region, while he stood by doing nothing.
Well, Obama had a golf game to work on, and Russians can be tough, you know. Remember Stalin?
After a brief but dangerous visit to Raqqa, in Syria, to meet with the people whose name he refuses to pronounce (ISIS), Obama attends a jihadist Shariah court where his supposed acumen as a constitutional scholar could be put to some good use.
Avoiding Israel and its leader at all costs, Obama can fly from Syria over to visit the failed state Pakistan where he can review the Muslim-controlled nuclear weapons his administration could not eliminate the way he unilaterally reduced the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Flying to Korea, Obama can stop off for a one-on-one basketball game with his favorite dictator Kim Jung-un, working up an appetite for a state dinner as guest of the Democratic Republic of North Korea. Obama certainly will not mind if his host invites his good buddy Dennis Rodman to join them.
In Beijing, with strongman and Communist Party boss Xi Jinxing, Obama can wink-wink acknowledge that he meant no harm excluding China from the capstone of his presidency, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, explaining that his plan all along was to sell the TPP to Beijing once Congress fast-tracked it into law.
Landing Air Force One back on U.S. soil, Obama could hold a final victory tour rock concert in the East Room, inviting his special friends, including Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers, his America-hating former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, notorious money man George Soros and the always captivating Harry Reid.
On Jan. 19, 2017, Obama can give his farewell address to the nation in which he can finally declare, “Mission Accomplished!”
On Inauguration Day, Obama can jet off to New York, where he can prepare for his next assignment as United Nations secretary-general, where he anticipates his next “four more years” can be spent causing perpetual gridlock in Midtown as he sets about accomplishing for the world community what he accomplished for the United States.
After all, in a General Assembly and Security Council where enemies are to be embraced as friends, where the words “radical Islamic terrorism” need never be articulated and where the most intransigent global problem can be solved by inserting the words “sustainable growth” into all accords, Obama can comfortably declare: “What, me worry?”