The duopoly’s panic

By WND Staff

The fearless Donald Trump, embraced by the electorate to come and fix what’s broken in D.C. and clean house, is the greatest threat to the duopoly’s gravy train feeding their boundless appetite for power and money. The vermin of the colluding establishments are therefore gnashing their teeth and hysterically pulling out all the stops to checkmate Trump.

Having become a sanctuary city for the corrupt and the insane, Washington, D.C., has never seemed so detached from ordinary American people as now. Establishment Republicans have shown they are not beholden to the electorate much less the Constitution. Dancing to the tune of other masters in a choreography of graft and betrayal, they seem proud of their insouciance. Meanwhile, establishment Democrats remain steadfast in a suicidal mission to pound America into a degenerate third-world autocracy of no recognizable culture or tradition.

The core problem is that each establishment fiercely protects the other as neither wishes to derail the gravy train. If the establishments prevail, our freedoms and children’s futures are doomed.

Henry Allen

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