In a popular culture governed by a double standard hostile to conservatives and libertarians, YouTube and sites like it have incredible influence. I’m talking about the various incriminating videos that, when they go viral, have the power to damn or acquit people who might otherwise be given a pass – or pilloried – in our media. Take, for example, the recent flap over whether someone from Donald Trump’s campaign did or didn’t rough up some reporter from some website. Any objective view of the video evidence makes it pretty clear what occurred. You can bet that’s going to come up if the seemingly frivolous charges of “battery” move forward in that case.
On the other side of the ledger was the vile behavior of monstrous liberal Melissa Click, the screaming hag who tried to silence a student journalist during “social justice” protests at the University of Missouri. Click demanded “some muscle” to intimidate and even assault the student. This woman, formerly a communications professor, should have understood freedom of speech better than most. Yet in the name of “social justice” politics, she was ready to use force to silence opinions she did not like. If not for the two videos that surfaced showing Click’s outrageous behavior, she would probably still have a job at the University of Missouri.
Previously in Technocracy, I shared with you the case of a social-justice behemoth who confronted a pair of unfailingly civil abortion protesters. Seething with irrational rage, the fat, ugly woman attacked the protesters, bellowing in their faces and pointing her finger while screaming and spitting. She was bleating social-justice keywords almost at random – terms like “patriarchy,” “privilege,” “misogyny” and so forth. She cursed out her victims, tried to destroy their signs, and tried to take and destroy their cameras. I guarantee that this is the sort of woman who regularly accuses others of assault when she overhears opinions she dislikes. The existence of the video of her behavior both protected her victims from spurious assault claims while also clinching any charges that might have been laid against her.
There was even, recently, a horrifying incident involving Klan members assembling for a rally in California. They were physically attacked by Black Lives Matter protesters. Then the knives came out. Astonishingly, five Klan members have since been released because video of the incident shows they were stabbing their attackers in self-defense. Without that video, there’s no way a Klansman who stabbed a black person would be anything but the villain, regardless of his version of the event. With video, the truth always comes out – even when it protects those we hate.
The use of video both as exculpatory and incriminating evidence is more important now than ever before. This is why so many groups are calling for police body cameras. Most of the protesters, who believe cops are all evil racists who live to murder unarmed black youths, don’t seem to grasp that those body cameras will exonerate more than they condemn. Had the officer who shot Michael Brown in self-defense had a body camera, we might have avoided weeks of violent protests built on the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie. (No, Brown did not have his hands up; it never happened.) But we didn’t, and the dangerous mythology of #BlackLivesMatter has continued to spread since those protests.
The same people who came together to call George Zimmerman a “racist white Hispanic” for shooting Trayvon Martin are the people who today pride themselves on their race hate. Make no mistake: The #BlackLivesMatter protest crowd hates white people. They are also becoming increasingly brazen in their hatred for whites, going so far as to physically attack them, intimidate them and otherwise harass them. When this happens, the only thing that counters the traditional White Faces Bad, Black Faces Good narrative in popular culture is incontrovertible video evidence of what took place.
Such is the case in the most recent viral video of racist blacks attacking a white person. The video hit YouTube on March 28. It purports to depict a “campus employee” at San Francisco State University harassing and physically assaulting two different students. SFSU has since said it is launching an investigation into the incident. It’s unlikely any disciplinary action will be taken against the woman in question, and there’s a simple reason for that: She’s black, her victim was white, and she was attacking him to protest his “cultural appropriation” of dreadlocks.
[jwplayer hdvqRS1M]
That’s right: It’s become so fashionable to attack white people, and so likely that you’ll be able to do it with impunity, that black students are casually assaulting whites whose hairstyles aren’t politically correct. Personally, I think the kid’s hair looks disgusting, but it’s his hair, and he can do with it what he wants. The way this woman attacks him, you’d think he was walking around campus in blackface. But why does this woman feel it is her place to harass another student based on the color of his skin and the style of his hair? Why does she think she can grab him, attack the person recording video of the incident, and display a level of racism that, were the students’ colors reversed, would be national news for weeks?
This young “lady” is as brazen as she is because she’s been conditioned by society to think it’s OK. The rise of “social justice” is the rise of liberal fascism – the use of force to inflict their toxic ideology on anyone who disagrees. Liberals hate freedom of speech and will always seek to silence it, as Melissa Click did. But more fundamentally, liberals hate YOU for disagreeing with them. They are coming closer and closer to fulfilling their dreams of assaulting and even murdering you for existing. Our only defense, in a popular culture biased against us, is to record them and make footage of their behavior known to the world.
We’re seeing the first tentative steps, society-wide, toward a world in which it’s essentially OK to assault conservatives and libertarians – especially if they’re white. After all, their opinions are wrongthink and their ideas hateful. Just ask any lib, who will be happy to tell you so. Then that lib will attack you to shut you up.
Media wishing to interview Phil Elmore, please contact [email protected].