Professor dreams of world ‘without whiteness’

By Douglas Ernst

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A “Race and Racism” professor at Oregon’s Portland Community College was caught on video giving a lecture where he yearns for a world “without whiteness.”

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PCC advertised “Whiteness History Month” back in January as an opportunity for students to attack the “legal, cultural, economic, social, environmental, educational, and/or intrapersonal consequences of whiteness,” WND reported.

Professor James Harrison led by example last week.

“‘Imagine all the people living life in peace.’ John Lennon penned these words in 1971, and my interpretation is that he’s talking about imagine everyone living together in peace. That would be, not necessarily a perfect world, but a good world,” Harrison said, media watchdog MRC reported Wednesday. “And how do we get to that good world is the question. A world without conflict, and to me my interpretation of these words, is it would be a world or U.S. without whiteness in terms of the power structure.”

The professor added that whiteness is a “social category” that includes people “who share common characteristics, but they may never interact with each other.”

Portland Community College Professor James Harrison
Portland Community College Professor James Harrison

The moderator of the YouTube channel “Laughing at Liberals” told subscribers he filmed Harrison to chronicle what goes on inside college classrooms and urged others to do the same.

A video uploaded to PCC’s Facebook page April 5 claimed Whiteness History Month was being taken out of context.

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“Whiteness History Month is not about hating white people. We don’t hate anybody,” a female narrator says. “Whiteness History Month is a way of examining racism and systems of domination based on race.”

Readers can contact James Harrison at [email protected].

A video produced by Portland Community College claims its "Whiteness History Month" lectures are not racist (Photo: Facebook, PCC)
Portland Community College claims its “Whiteness History Month” lectures are not racist (Photo: Facebook, PCC)


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Douglas Ernst

Douglas Ernst is a staff writer for WND. He formerly wrote for the Washington Times. He also worked at The Heritage Foundation in its Young Leaders Program. Read more of Douglas Ernst's articles here.

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