‘Transgender’ now as mainstream as baseball, apple pie?

By Bob Unruh


Many were stunned in 2015 when the U.S. Supreme Court departed from millennia of precedent and the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western civilization to create “same-sex marriage,” a ruling condemned by a four-justice minority as unconnected to the Constitution.

But if there were any who believed the development signified the completion of the “gay agenda,” they were wrong, as the following headlines attest:

Meanwhile, the Obama Justice Department has essentially told every state that the privacy rights of their citizens are secondary to the desires of a handful of people who want to use gender-segregated public facilities according to their “perceived gender.”

Furthermore, the conflict between First Amendment rights and the new right created by the Supreme Court has prompted numerous lawsuits.

The special Whistleblower edition “Trans-Mania” exposes the left’s “latest – and strangest – war on reality and normality.”

Feds say 1964 law demands open restrooms

In North Carolina, lawmakers adopted a law in March requiring people to use gender-designated public facilities that correspond to the gender listed on their driver’s license. The aim was to protect women and children from being confronted by a naked man.

But the U.S. Department of Justice this week threatened the state with financial penalties, claiming the law violates the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

That argument presumes Congress, in 1964, wanted men to be allowed to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms and vice versa, which is ridiculous, contends Kellie Fiedorek, a legal counsel for the Alliance Defending Freedom, which specializes in civil and religious rights.

“North Carolina’s bathroom privacy law, HB2, fully complies with federal law,” Fiedorek said.

“It’s absurd to assert, as the Department of Justice does, that by placing the word ‘sex’ in federal nondiscrimination laws, Congress intended to force states to open their restrooms to people of the opposite biological sex,” Fiedorek continued. “Gov. McCrory and the state of North Carolina are fulfilling their duty to protect the privacy rights of their citizens.


“The DOJ should stop bullying North Carolina with falsehoods about what federal law requires,” the lawyer said.

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

North Carolina leaders argued the Obama administration was jumping into a state issue and turning it into a national matter.

“This is no longer just a North Carolina issue because this conclusion by the Department of Justice impacts every state,” said Gov. Pat McCrory.

House Speaker Tim Moore charged the Obama administration was attempting to push a “radical left agenda.”

“Basic concepts – common sense about privacy and expectations of privacy – are getting thrown out the window by what the Obama administration is trying to do in this,” he said.

CBS noted the letters to North Carolina “don’t have the force of law, but they put the state on notice that its actions are being watched.”

And it pointedly noted the Justice Department’s intervention could affect similar laws passed in other states.

Texas targets Target

Target fanned the flames of the fight April 19 by publicizing its policy allowing people to use restrooms and changing facilities that correspond to their gender identity.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has responded, pointing out to Target in a letter that it is “possible that allowing men in women’s restrooms could lead to criminal and otherwise unwanted activity.”

“As chief lawyer and law enforcement officer for the State of Texas, I ask that you provide the full text of Target’s safety policies regarding the protection of women and children from those who would use the cover of Target’s restroom policy for nefarious purposes,” he demanded.

Paxton said Target is free to open its bathrooms to whomever it wants but is unsure that Texans will welcome such policies.

“The voters in Houston recently repealed by a wide margin an ordinance that advanced many of the same goals as Target’s current policy,” he pointed out.

A spokesman for the American Family Association, which had a boycott Target petition moving beyond 1.2 million signatures, told Fox News that the company needs to provide answers.

AFA President Tim Wildmon said: “Nearly everyone has a mother, wife, daughter or friend who is put in jeopardy by this policy. Predators and voyeurs would take advantage of the policy to prey on those who are vulnerable.”

Bathrooms on the brain

The Obama administration’s move to open bathrooms and ignore biology even drew a satirical video from the the Family Research Council in which a narrator pointed out: “So … while ISIS is infiltrating America … President Obama seems confused about human biology. While Russia taunts our military … President Obama is fighting for men to access to women’s locker rooms. While Iran and North Korea fire ballistic missiles … President Obama is demanding grown men have the right to use women’s bathrooms.

“Who knows what’s next? President Obama could issue an executive order wiping out single gendered bathrooms in national parks … or in federal buildings … or tell the TSA to stop requiring those who fly to declare their biological sex. It’s absurd.”

The video:

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The transgender campaign even has impacted the NCAA, which said on Wednesday it is now protecting “participants and spectators from discrimination.”

That’s happening through new rules that will require cities or states wishing to hold NCAA events to “demonstrate how they will provide an environment that is safe, healthy, and free of discrimination, plus safeguards the dignity of everyone involved in the event.”

“The higher education community is a diverse mix of people from different racial, ethnic, religious and sexual orientation backgrounds,” said Kirk Schulz, president of Kansas State University and chair of the board of governors. “So it is important that we assure that community – including our student-athletes and fans – will always enjoy the experience of competing and watching at NCAA championships without concerns of discrimination.”

The sports organization bashed adherents of traditional Christianity.

“While proponents of the laws focus on how they protect religious beliefs, critics have voiced concerns that they create an environment of sanctioned discrimination,” the NCAA release stated.

What do YOU think? Share your thoughts on Target’s Facebook page, use the Twitter hashtag #BoycottTarget and sign AFA’s pledge to boycott the retail giant

“Make no mistake about it, this move is about the continuation of promoting the radical gay agenda and the targeting for punishment those who don’t fall in line,” said Carl Gallups, a pastor in Florida who also hosts a weekly radio show.

“The NCAA statement quickly disclosed that it was most concerned about ‘sexual orientation,'” he said. “The political correctness of their feigned concern for equity is fraught with hypocrisy.”

Gallups, author of “Be Thou Prepared” and “Final Warning,” said he can’t help but wonder how the NCAA will manage the coming debacle of opening its own female bathrooms and locker rooms in sports stadiums to men.

Pepsi CEO Indra Nooyi doubled down on the company’s commitment to LGBT activism at the company’s annual shareholder meeting Wednesday.

Nooyi made it clear that LGBT activism is a priority for the company.

National Center for Public Policy Research Free Enterprise Project Director Justin Danhof spoke directly with the Pepsi CEO at the meeting in New Bern, North Carolina.

Nooyi has called on North Carolina to repeal the state law, which itself repealed a Charlotte ordinance that opened women’s restrooms to males who perceive they are female.

Obama vs. colleges

Yet another battle front chosen by the Obama administration to expand alternative sexual lifestyles is the college campus.

Obama Nebraska Cspan

The Department of Education has launched a website critics say is dedicated to the “shaming” of Christian colleges that follow biblical principles rather than a leftist social agenda.

“It looks like the Department of Education got a new boss: the Human Rights Campaign,” wrote Family Research Council President Tony Perkins in a Washington Update commentary this week.

Perkins, referring to the leading “gay”-rights group, was spotlighting what he called a “shame list” posted online by the Department of Education of colleges that have sought exemptions to Title IX requirements that provide special treatment to transgenders.

Perkins points out that Congress approved an exemption to certain requirements for faith-based educational institutions well before Obama “started strong-arming the education system to adopt his radical views of ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity.'”

In short, Obama tried to force schools to embrace “gender-free bathrooms and sports teams,” the commentary explains.

Using Title IX as their premise, DOE officials are insisting that “no person … shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.”

There was a surge in requests for exemptions from colleges when Obama “decided to interpret” the law to require special accommodations for “transgenders,” he wrote.

The children as young as three getting transgender counseling was reported by the Daily Mail, which said in just the last year, three “pre-school infants” were among 167 kids age 10 and younger getting transgender counseling.

Said Christian Institute executive Simon Calvert said it proves “this is to do with adult political ambitions and not with what is best for the children.”

“There is no way that a three-year-old is capable of making such a life-changing choice,” he said.

Proof of change failure

The London Independent newspaper reported on the big failure of changing sexes.

“Henrý Steinn, 19, had already started living as male when he found out he was pregnant,” the report said. “He told Gay Iceland that the news came just weeks before he was about to start taking testosterone, and a few months after he began transitioning.”
The report said “he” gave birth last month to a “healthy baby girl.”

Snap! Find out how and why the Obama left is driving millions of Americans over the cliff into depression, family breakdown, violence, mental illness and addiction – and how to stop it! – in David Kupelian’s blockbuster, “The Snapping of the American Mind.”

Award-winning journalist and WND Managing Editor David Kupelian noted that only a few years ago, virtually everybody in the world would have agreed it’s “stark, raving mad” to allow grown men to use a women’s restroom or locker room.

“Today, it is still stark, raving mad,” he said. “But the lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender movement, fueled by its success in imposing same-sex marriage on America, is now trying to force middle America to pretend that a serious mental illness, one that frequently involves amputating healthy body parts in a desperate but impossible quest to morph into the opposite sex, is perfectly normal and we must all join in the pretense or be demonized or legally prosecuted.

“So now they’re getting some real push-back. That is a very good thing.”

In his most recent book, “The Snapping of the American Mind,” Kupelian wrote about gender identity disorder – the strong feelings of belonging to the opposite sex that drive some people to try and physically change their genders. This erstwhile disorder was recently renamed “gender dysphoria” in an effort to de-pathologize it, according to Kupelian. So today being transgender is considered completely normal while those who don’t accept the normality of transgenderism are often labeled “transphobic,” which suggests someone has a disorder, or phobia.

But Kupelian believes his fellow countrymen see through the pro-transgender propaganda.

“Most Americans recognize the ‘transgender movement’ for what it is – a deeply misguided campaign to normalize mental illness and to force all Americans to abandon their common sense and core values and affirm and celebrate what is really pathological delusion,” he said.

“Remember: It is literally impossible to change your gender. Every one of the trillions of cells in your body is permanently branded male or female from birth and cannot be changed.”

Already tested

On Thursday, the American Family Association offered evidence that individuals with ill intent could take advantage of Target’s policy.

“We’ve already had people testing this, going into Targets and men trying to go into bathrooms. There is absolutely no barrier,” the organization’s Sandy Rios said.

She explained that AFA has witnessed men trying to go into restrooms. Contrary to reports by far-left blogs, she said, the organization was not dispatching the men.

ADF also said it had to file a lawsuit on Wednesday in a related case in Palatine, Illinois.

ADF is representing 51 families who sued the local Township High School District 211 for disregarding student privacy and safety when “it secretly opened its schools’ restrooms to the opposite sex and then opened the girls’ locker room to a boy after the U.S. Department of Education threatened the district’s federal funding.”

“The agency based its threat on its inaccurate interpretation of Title IX, a 1972 federal law that, contrary to the agency’s opinion, actually authorizes schools to retain single-sex restrooms and locker rooms,” the legal team explained.

The district now is forcing “14- to 17-year-old students to share restrooms and locker rooms with opposite-sex classmates.”

“All the students must use the restroom with the knowledge that someone of the opposite sex is present or could walk in at any time,” ADF said.

“But it is even worse for the girls. The DOE and District 211 require them to use the locker room with a biologically male student. They must change their clothes for physical education class knowing a biologically male student is present or could walk in at any time.

“The fear over undressing in the same room as a male causes these girls significant anxiety, stress, and embarrassment, and importantly, it violates their well-established right to privacy,” ADF wrote.

ADF explained that federal bureaucrats simply redefined “sex” to reach their conclusion.

But “the United States Constitution’s right to privacy prohibits the government (including schools) from forcing students to partially or fully undress, or use the restroom, in the presence of the opposite sex.”

Said ADF, “If our government is powerful enough to command innocent school children to disrobe in the presence of opposite-sex classmates, then there will be little it will not be powerful enough to do.”

Child abuse

The American College of Pediatricians has warned of the danger of allowing children to “impersonate” the opposite sex.

“A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking,” the group said. “Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”

WND columnist Jane Orient, M.C., asserted pushing boys into girls locker rooms is an idea based on “seriously flawed assumptions.”

“In fact, the science cannot be clearer. There are two sexes. Leaving aside rare conditions such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, this is absolutely plain at birth, and not a matter of arbitrary ‘assignment.’ A person with a Y chromosome is through-and-through male in every cell in his body. If ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner’s skeleton is dug up a few hundred years from now, it will unequivocally be identified as male.

“Second, they both assume that it is possible to convert a male into a female and that doctors are helping a patient affirm his true identity by so doing,” she wrote.

“In fact, it is possible for a male to become a eunuch or female impersonator, but he will never be able to be somebody’s natural mother. And what do we do to a boy to try to make him appear female? Do we have any information about the long-term effects of female hormones starting in childhood? Maybe we will eventually, if we follow today’s experimental subjects – who are too young to consent and are likely not having the possible consequences spelled out. If castrated, they will lose forever the prospect of having natural offspring. And what will genital surgery do to urinary continence? How will hormones affect their risk of breast cancer? What about blood clots and strokes? And osteoporosis and fractures as they age? If adult athletes are forbidden to ‘dope’ with steroids, why is it acceptable for children?

“There are excellent reasons not to have boys and girls undressing in front of each other, and a transgender ‘girl’ is just a wedge. The real agenda is to further the sexual and cultural revolution: to undermine the family, to stigmatize the Christian faith and indeed all traditional morality, and to break down all resistance to a totalitarian state that dictates belief and behavior,” she warned.

The special Whistleblower edition “Trans-Mania” exposes the left’s “latest – and strangest – war on reality and normality.”

Bob Unruh

Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. Read more of Bob Unruh's articles here.

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