Note: One woman deeply familiar with the Clintons’ predatory patterns is Dolly Kyle, who has known “Billy” since they were both children. Kyle was Clinton’s childhood sweetheart and on-again-off-again girlfriend up until the early 1990s. She is the author of the new book, “Hillary the Other Woman: A Political Memoir,” a timely exposé of the Clintons. It will be released nationwide June 7, but you can get the book today for your Amazon Kindle.
Following is an excerpt from “Hillary the Other Woman”:
The quiet hum of the airplane’s single engine stopped. No sputter. No gasp. It just stopped.
From the seat behind the pilot, even in the darkened sky, I could see the propeller slowing to visible, and then countable, revolutions. Slower and slower the prop turned until it stopped, pointing straight up and down.
My next thought was a question and statement:
“So this is the way I’m going to die.”
Of course, I didn’t die, or I wouldn’t be writing this book.
Instead of landing unannounced in Little Rock to have a private dinner with my sister without a hectic weekend of visiting friends, my arrival from Dallas was splashed on the local 10 o’clock news, which everyone watched back then.
It was September (or October) of 1983, and it must have been a slow news weekend because the report was repeated on television and radio for the next two days, along with an article and photo in the statewide newspaper.
Billy Clinton, who was back in the governor’s office thanks to the brilliant Dick-Morris-led 1982 campaign, called me at my sister’s house the morning after the crash.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming to Little Rock this weekend,” Billy said in a pout. “The Warden’s gone.”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
When would I ever learn?
Both Billy and Hillary were so self-absorbed that life was always about what they wanted, when they wanted it.
Who knows where Hillary “The Warden” Clinton was that day? Who knows what she was doing? Billy never mentioned any specifics about where she was, and he didn’t seem to care. I do know that she was not at home with her family.
I also know that Hillary never took Chelsea to school. Billy enjoyed spending time with his daughter in the mornings and taking her to school. I heard that directly from Billy, and I also heard it from various state troopers who drove them in the Lincoln Town Car.
Billy’s devotion to little Chelsea was one more reason the troopers liked Billy. Hillary’s lack of devotion to Chelsea was one more reason that the troopers didn’t like (or respect) her. I can’t resist adding one more small-world Arkansas story.
Before Chelsea went to public school in Little Rock, which was a much-publicized and completely political decision made by Billy and Hillary, she went to Montessori. The school was on Markham Street, and it occupied three small houses on contiguous lots that I had purchased earlier as an investment.
I sold the three parcels on Markham to attorney Ben McMinn, whose then-wife Jyothi Rao connected the houses and operated the Montessori school there. Of all the properties in Little Rock, that’s where Chelsea started school.
That reminds me of another ironic coincidence. My first home address, to which my birth certificate was mailed in the envelope I still have, was 123 Clinton Street. I can’t top that.
The following matters, on the other hand, are deadly serious and cannot be attributed to coincidence.
If Billy Clinton had been emotionally and psychologically capable of dealing with the terrorists who began attacking America on his watch in 1993, our country might have been able to avoid the tragic events of 9/11/2001.
Sept. 11, 2001, was the day that radical Islamic terrorists hijacked and flew airplanes into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and into the Pentagon in Washington. The fourth hijacked plane was retaken by some courageous passengers and was crashed into a field.
That date, Sept. 11, 2001, is indelibly etched in the minds of those of us who saw the live television coverage. Our parents and grandparents had similar memories of where they were when they heard about the infamous bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on Dec. 7, 1941.
After the Pearl Harbor attack in 1941, however, President Franklin Roosevelt was able to lead the United States of America into its valiant participation in World War II. Roosevelt had not lived his life in fear of a stepfather.
President Clinton was incapable of taking swift, targeted, decisive action against the Islamic terrorists who attacked America in 1993 and beyond. Billy was still cowering from his stepfather’s attacks during his childhood and teenage years.
I should mention here that Billy has told some fantastic lies about confronting his abusive, alcoholic stepfather when he was 14 years old. Lies and more lies. Roger Clinton ran roughshod over his family whenever he drank excessively, and the teenage Billy Clinton could or would do nothing about it.
How do I know Billy’s “family hero” story is a lie?
When Roger Clinton Sr., was on a rampage, Virginia would take Billy and Roger Jr. to spend the night at the Holiday Inn on East Grand Avenue. If Virginia (a nurse-anesthetist who was on call 24/7 for several years) had to work that night, she would leave Billy and Roger alone at the motel.
When Virginia was working, Billy would call me from their motel room and I would go visit. We would talk for hours while little Roger slept. This pattern continued through high school and beyond. Any tall tale about the teenage Billy’s putting a stop to his stepfather’s alcoholic, abusive behavior is as valuable as droppings on a newspaper in a birdcage.
I’m sorry that Billy has not dealt with his abuse issues, but it’s time that the American people had some clue about the reasons behind his ineptitude and cowardice as commander in chief. Unfortunately, Billy’s cowardice explains far too many of his decisions … or his failures to decide.
(Billy later declared under oath that he was AFRAID of what I might do at our 30th high school reunion … and he was protected by Secret Service agents at the time!)
Those who are too young to remember, or who were not paying attention to, the Clintons’ co-presidency should look up some of the earlier attacks on the United States:
- 1993: Islamic terrorists bombed the World Trade Center; six people died, and more than 1,000 were injured;
- 1995: Islamic terrorists attempted to crash an airplane into the White House;
- 1996: Islamic terrorists bombed the Khobar Towers, killing 19 United States military service members, and injuring another 500 people;
- 1998: Islamic terrorists exploded 2 massive bombs (nearly simultaneously) outside the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; over 200 people were killed; another 5,000 people were wounded;
- 2000: Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Navy’s guided-missile destroyer the USS Cole while it was harbored and being refueled in the Yemeni port of Aden; 17 U.S. servicemen were killed, and 39 were injured.
That is enough to make my point.
Billy Clinton, still terrified of his stepfather, did nothing.
Oh, wait, I almost forgot.
Aug. 7, 1999: on the one-year anniversary of the Kenya and Tanzania embassy bombings that killed over 200 people and injured 5,000, Co-President Clinton reaffirmed his commitment to the victims of terrorism. He vowed publicly that he would “not rest until justice is done.”
Aug. 11, 1999: four days after vowing that justice would be meted to terrorists, while Congress was on its summer recess, the White House issued a quiet press release announcing that the president was granting clemency to 16 imprisoned members of FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional Puertorriquena, the armed forces for national liberation of Puerto Rico).
The FALN were terrorists (not Islamic terrorists) who had been responsible for over 100 bombing attacks on the United States in prior years. What message was the co-president sending to Islamic terrorists when he commuted the sentences of 16 other terrorists serving prison time in the United States?
The truth is even worse than what you thought. “Hillary: The Other Woman,” the explosive new book exposing the horrible history of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Available now at the WND Superstore.
Who was upset about the co-president’s pardoning of known terrorists on American soil? The U.S. Attorney, the FBI, and members of Congress were upset. Hillary, the co-president, didn’t have a problem with it. Who did anything about it? Not the U.S. Attorney, not the FBI, and not Congress. This corporate failure to act illustrates one of the many reasons that informed Americans are getting sick and tired of “business as usual” in Washington.
There is one more critically important item to mention regarding the Clintons’ failure to respond to terrorists:
1998: the Clintons failed to take action against the Islamic terrorist Osama bin Laden.
Bin Laden had formed and was the leader of the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaida that took responsibility for the African (Kenya and Tanzania) embassy bombings. The Clintons shirked their responsibility to “take him out” when they had the opportunity. Three times, Bin Laden was in their sights. Three times, the Clintons failed to stop him. Pitiful. Disgusting.
If Barack Hussein Obama could call an “Islamic terrorist” an “Islamic terrorist,” the United States of America would not be faced with such increasing and intolerable Islamic terrorist attacks. Everyone but Barack Hussein Obama can admit these “Islamic terrorist” attacks are escalating.
I’m not suggesting that Obama would have acted any differently. I believe he would have failed to address the same Islamic terrorist attacks on the USA that the Clintons ignored. I do suggest, however, that Obama’s motivations for ignoring the Islamic terrorists’ attacks would be different.
Hillary Clinton, Obama’s secretary of state from 2009-2013, was no more emotionally and psychologically capable of dealing with terrorists in later years than she was as the co-president earlier. When Islamic terrorists were on the threshold of attacking America’s mission in Benghazi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was tired. She was self-absorbed.
Hillary said she was asleep during the Benghazi debacle. Then she lied. Then she lied again. Then she lied some more. She should have a permanent headache from trying to keep track of all her lies. Some of those lies will be uncovered in her emails, but that is another chapter.
The United States of America is now facing the potential acceptance of 10,000 Muslim “refugees” into our country. Obama is NOT going to stop or even question them. The pansies in Congress may or may not do anything about it. Hillary certainly wouldn’t; after all, such a move against an entire ethnic group would be “politically incorrect” and would show her “racism.”
(Speaking of racism, I’ll get back to Hillary’s anti-Semitism in another chapter.)
Muslim/Islamic “refugees” have flooded Europe. Thanks to the leanings of the mainstream media, we see photos of sad women and children refugees from the Middle East. What we do not see in the photos from the mainstream media are the untold numbers of single, strong, able-bodied, military-age, Islamic males infiltrating those countries under the guise of being “refugees.”
In September of 2015, the Greek Coast Guard intercepted an “aid for refugees” shipping container that was filled with weapons and ammunition. Disguised as “furniture” for Islamic refugees going to Europe, the container was found and confiscated.
Does anyone who is not brain-dead think that the Greek Coast Guard happened to find the one-and-only “furniture” shipment of weapons and ammunition that was being sent to able-bodied, male, Islamic terrorists in Europe? Anyone?
Seven Islamic terrorists who killed over 125 people in Paris and injured hundreds more in a coordinated attack in November 2015 had to get their weapons from somewhere. I suggest that their weapons and ammunition may have been in a “furniture” shipment that was not found by the Greek Coast Guard or by anyone else.
How many more “furniture” containers were shipped into Europe with weapons and ammunition? How many weapons are there now? How many “furniture” containers do we want coming into the United States of America with 10,000 undocumented refugees?
I have often wondered aloud if Barack Hussein Obama is our modern-day Trojan Horse. Please, if you don’t know about the Trojan Horse, don’t admit it to me; I’m already depressed enough about the state of education in America.
Shipping containers of “furniture” and 10,000 Muslims qualify as a Trojan Horse in my mind. Can we not learn from history? We will most certainly be doomed if we repeat it.
If the November 2015 coordinated terrorists attacks had been staged in Paris, Texas, rather than in the “gun-free” city of Paris, France, I’m quite confident that those seven terrorists would have been taken down quickly, and without such a horrific loss of life.
As the bouncer says to incoming patrons in an East Texas honky-tonk, “Got a gun on ya?”
If not, “then better go back to your truck and gitcha one.”
Barack Hussein Obama wants to take away gun rights. Obama, who is half-white by his mother and some part “black” due to an unidentified mix from his mixed-race father, is one of the most racially divisive presidents since Republican Abraham Lincoln decided that America should not have slaves.
The North won the resulting “War Between the States” in large part because it was the North that had factories and the ability to produce weapons and ammunition. I hate to mention it, but Southerners learned a lesson about guns and ammunition back then, and their descendants have not forgotten it.
At any rate, many people are afraid to criticize Obama for his gun stance or for anything else because they will be branded by the mainstream media as racist. Ironically, how racist is the view that is being perpetrated by the mainstream media? Doesn’t it suggest that they believe Obama is president only because he claimed his black heritage? What kind of racism is that? What kind of racism suggests that an inept president can’t handle criticism because he’s partly black?
Do you remember the 2012 campaign counter-slogan?
“If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you were not a racist, vote against him in 2012 to prove you’re not an idiot.”
Hillary Clinton claims that she wants to walk in Barack Hussein Obama’s dainty footsteps. Is it any wonder that middle-America is “up in arms” and looking for an outsider or any person of courage, conviction, and integrity to take the role of LEADER in America?
Hillary is NOT a LEADER. She is a coat-tail-clutcher who has a litany of jobs with no accomplishments. Hillary failed as co-president; she failed as senator (unless you are impressed with the bills she introduced to name a couple of post offices); she failed as secretary of state (and the half of that story has not been told yet); and she most certainly failed over the course of the past 40 years as the defender of women and children that she claims to be.
Hillary says that she has “fought for” women for her entire career. She seems to be confused; she has “attacked” women.
Hillary apparently believes her own public relations spiels because she continually claims that she supports women’s rights. Hillary knows (or has she forgotten?) that she was the instigator of the threats, intimidation and other attacks on so many women (including me!) who had any kind of sexual encounters with her husband.
Pathological liars can sound convincing to people who don’t know the truth. Pathological liars can often pass polygraph tests because they actually do believe their own tall tales. They can devise whatever excuses they need at the moment.
Like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar, Hillary can conjure up a quick story and defend it, no matter how ridiculous it sounds to a person with the ability to think logically. She will defend her lies until forced to face the truth, and then what difference does it make?
Hillary can conjure up tears as quickly as lies, as she did when campaigning in New Hampshire in 2008. More recently, Hillary was able to maintain a straight face while she filmed a campaign ad saying that women who claim to have been raped or sexually assaulted should be believed. That blatant hypocrisy is truly amazing for a woman who has been married for 40 years to a rapist and serial sexual abuser … without even mentioning again that SHE led the attacks against the women.
The latest series of Hillary’s lies are nothing but campaign ploys. It’s time for the American people – of all or no political persuasions – to take a good, informed look at the real persons behind the endless spewing of lies.
During Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign, my favorite feminist Camille Paglia wrote in that Hillary “is a brittle, relentless manipulator with few stable core values who shuffles through useful personalities like a card shark.”
I wish I had written that. Thanks, Camille.
Order your own copy of “Hillary: The Other Woman” now at the WND Superstore. Or get the Kindle version and start reading today!