Dear Mr. David Limbaugh:
Your discerning commentary asks the question, “So what does the Brexit vote portend for the 2016 presidential race in the United States?”
Brexit is a black swan, an unexpected game-changer, and your crucial question triggered a thought experiment that moves us into uncharted waters, favored haunts of black swans.
The 900-pound gorilla in the room is Brexit American style. Unobserved by smug establishment types tipping cocktail glasses, the great beast stirs. If Donald Trump wins, deep-dyed blue states, chock full of riotous unhinged progressives, may threaten to walk out of Congress or occupy the floor until hell freezes over. If so, they’ll energize growing numbers of leftist separatists and further alienate the (not so) silent majority and independents. If Hillary Clinton wins, a magnet group of deep-dyed red states may conclude there is no other means to preserve state sovereignty, individual unalienable rights and liberty than to disengage from D.C. and exit the iron maiden.
Jim Brady