Milo: ‘I can’t imagine why any gay person would vote for Hillary’

By Jerome R. Corsi

Milo Yiannopoulos

CLEVELAND – “Gays” would be foolish to vote for Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton for president, contends Milo Yiannopoulos, the Greek-British journalist, entrepreneur and technology expert who identifies as a homosexual and a “cultural libertarian.”

“I can’t imagine why any gay person would ever be so stupid as to vote for Hillary Clinton, a woman who is funded by Islamic countries that execute gays, when on the other side you have a candidate who after Orlando gave the speech of his political career,” he said.

“I didn’t know Donald Trump had it in him, but it was a really tremendous speech.”

Speaking with WND on July 21 in the hour before Donald Trump gave his acceptance speech, Yiannopoulos explained his antipathy for Clinton, the reasons he supports Trump and his vision for the future as Millennials emerge to reshape politics over the next few decades.

See D’Souza’s works at the WND Superstore, including “Hillary’s America,” “America: Imagine The World Without Her,” “2016: Obama’s America,” “God Forsaken,” “Roots of Obama’s Rage” and “What’s So Great About Christianity.”

He explained that although he is a British citizen and cannot vote in the United States, he strongly supports Trump, challenging  the Democratic Party’s presumption that Clinton has the LGBT vote locked up.

After the massacre in a gay night club in Orlando June 13, Trump said, “Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of LGBT community.”

Regarding Clinton, Yiannopoulos said there is “no ‘there’ there.”

“She is dead behind the eyes,” he said. “There is no discernible person behind those eyes. There isn’t a person in there anywhere, no discernible person with feelings, conviction or authenticity.”

Last week, Twitter permanently banned Yiannopoulos from its social-media platform after a Twitter run-in with Ghostbusters actress Leslie Jones.

“With the cowardly suspension of my account, Twitter has confirmed itself as a safe space for Muslim terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists, but a no-go zone for conservatives,” Yiannopoulos said.

“Like all acts of the totalitarian left, this will blow up in their faces, netting me more adoring fans,” he said. “We’re winning the culture war, and Twitter just shot themselves in the foot.”

‘Trump is real’

Yiannopoulos contrasted Clinton with his impression of Trump.

“Trump, for better or worse, is there,” he said. “Trump is real and you can sort of put your hands on him. You can get the measure of Trump. You can get a hold of him in your head conceptually. You can understand what Trump is.”

Yiannopoulos acknowledged that Trump is not universally popular among Republicans and is largely disdained by establishment media.

“Some of the older Republican people are struggling to do it, but it seems like everybody else is figuring it out just fine,” he said. “It’s only media and politicians that don’t get it. It’s easier to get a handle on Trump. Then you can decide if you like him or you don’t.”

Milo Yiannopoulos at the Republican National Convention July 21, 2016 (WND photo)

He characterized Hillary as “a constantly shifting patchwork quilt of positions, and corruption, and weirdness,” adding that he finds it difficult to get a handle on her.

“I don’t really like to vote based on identity politics, but it’s very clear to me that Donald Trump is the most gay-friendly candidate for president in American electoral history,” Yiannopoulos said. “Certainly the most gay-friendly candidate the Republicans have ever run for president, and maybe the mot gay-friendly candidate to run for president ever.”

Yiannopoulos noted that while he had little time to socialize at the gay party he held during the Republican National Convention, he particularly enjoyed “that there were a lot of left-wing journalists there and their minds were exploding.”

He elaborated on the theme.

“The mainstream media can’t comprehend how gays could be so ungrateful as to turn their backs on the left,” he said. “The media at the party couldn’t comprehend how I could like Trump.”

He said it’s “perfectly obvious to me why gay people would like Trump.”

“I mean, he’s the drag queen you could vote for. He’s over the top and fabulous, and clownish, and brash. He says what everyone is thinking. He’s taboo shattering.

“There’s a sort of contiguous line in style and substance from dissident gay culture in the 1960s, 70s and 80s that leads straight into Donald Trump. Look at the way he decorates his apartments. He’s so gay.”

Who would keep gay people safe?

Shifting gears, Yiannopoulos said there’s a serious reason why the LGBT community must support Trump.

“If you cut emotion and the brainwashing of the left out of it, and just look at who would keep gay people safe, I think supporting Trump is pretty obvious,” he argued.

“Hillary is definitely a lesbian,” he continued. “She has those cold, dead eyes that only lesbians have. There’s a unique kind of socio-pathology that I have observed in lesbians in my 30 years of life, and Hillary Clinton has it.”

He expanded on the theme.

“It’s a particular look behind the eyes, the look of constantly shifting surfaces,” he observed.

“When you grasp the person behind the hairdo, you can’t get a finger on it, but you know there’s ‘no there’ there,” he said. “There’s no person in Hillary Clinton who cares about anything. You can’t believe anything they say. And there’s no sense that there’s ever any authenticity, or realness or sincerity.”

He noted he has given considerable thought contemplating Clinton’s psychology.

“Male socio-pathology takes a slightly different form,” he said. “It’s characterized by an excessive bluster and will, and competitiveness. But female socio-pathology is a sort of cold wrath that men sometimes lack. That’s a lesbian thing, and Hillary has it.”

GOP ‘mental breakdown’ over Trump

Yiannopoulos said he enjoys watching Trump cause consternation within the GOP.

“Two things are going on at this convention,” he observed. “One is the continuation of the Republican Party’s mental breakdown over Donald Trump. Some are trying to reconcile themselves to the engine of chaos and figure out if they can stick it. The rest of them are just having a meltdown, and it’s very enjoyable to watch for those of us who think the Republican Party deserve a bit of punishment.

The other thing, he said, is “happening more on the fringes and the events outside the convention floor that seem to me to be more about culture than politics.”

“The gays for Trump parties and the other things that are going on are sending a powerful message to Trump and the Democrats that certain constituencies they thought they owned really don’t belong to them anymore,” he said, “and they are going to have to start fighting for their votes, whether it’s women, or blacks, or gays, you name it.”

Yiannopoulos explained to WND why he feels the controversy over Trump has given the GOP new life.

“This is a very glamorous convention in many ways,” he said.

“You see a lot of women in beautiful dresses – you’ve got diamonds and silk – you’ve got all kinds of colorful, dramatic, glamorous characters the likes of which the Republican Party hasn’t seen for a while,” he said.

“You’ve always had people dressed in pearls, rich wives, that sort of thing, but the youthful glamour – and in some cases the slightly trashy glamour – is pretty new to Republican politics. It’s very exciting. The whole place feels like it’s colorful, it’s alive. It feels like something is happening.”

Yiannopoulos believes Trump has the ability to reconfigure the GOP in a positive way.

“Trump, for me, isn’t particularly reimagining the Republican Party as building an entirely new one,” he said. “Whether or not the GOP can accommodate itself around what Trump is building, or whether these two sorts of things are simply irreconcilable, or whether something else happens is going to become clearer over the next couple of months.”

He believes the conflict over Trump is healthy in that the GOP needs to be reformed, with a new era of conservatism about to give birth among those under 40.

“What’s good about this convention is that the factions have confronted one another; they know what they’re up against now, they’ve looked each other in the eye, and they know what the friends and enemies look like,” he said.

“Now it’s a question for the base, for the voters, for the public at large, the Republicans and the independents that Trump is scooping up to decide what the future of the right wing in this country is going to look like,” he commented.

“It seems to me like it’s probably going to be economically conservative, probably there’s no space for hawkish foreign policy anymore, and certain kinds of social conservatism in the Republican Party are dead and never coming back among anyone under 40.”

WND asked Yiannopoulos if he was troubled by the GOP platform’s stance on LGBT issues.

“People have asked me if I’m troubled by the anti-gay flavor of the platform, and see it as a positive because it’s kind of like a dying last gasp,” he responded. “This is the last chance they’re every going to get so they’re going full tilt.”

Furthermore, he said, “Trump is going to throw it all out, so who cares?”

“It doesn’t bother me, but it is quite clear there are established interests in the Republican Party that are having last gasps – last ditch attempts to save the party they want which seems truly a detriment the way we’re heading,” he said.

Millennials: libertarians versus authoritarians

Yiannopoulos believes the Millennial support for Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party is only the beginning of the massive impact that generation will have on the U.S. politics of the future.

“There’s plenty of people under 40 who believe the entire political media and academic establishment deserves to burn, and they don’t make particularly a distinction between the Republican and Democratic Party,” he said.

“We’re going to mess up politics in an entirely new way than the current generation has messed up politics,” he quipped. “I don’t think the American political system is quite ready for what young voters really want – a total realignment along libertarian vs. authoritarian lines rather than left and right.”

He elaborated on the impact he believes Millennials are beginning to have on U.S. politics.

“Young people have some vague awareness and remembrance of the religious right in the 1990s, that were saying video games can make you violent,” he noted. “They have some awareness in the last couple of years of the left saying video games can make you sexist. They know that all this is nonsense.

“They know that when the right says Marilyn Manson is responsible for school shootings, they know this is barking mad baloney. And Millennials are tired of being told what to do, and say, and be, and what they can read, and who they can hang out with, how they dress, and what language they can use. They are really, really sick of it, the vast majority of them.”

He does not believe left vs. right will define the politics of the future.

“It seems to me there are some minor differences among young people along political or ideological lines,” he commented. “But what really divides anyone under 40 in this country now is whether they are libertarian or authoritarian.”

He believes the political left has become totalitarian in its beliefs.

“In the past 10 years, which party is the guiltiest of wanting to run everyone else’s lives has changed, it’s flipped, switched very dramatically,” he said. “To the point now that if you want to be alternative, and punk and cool, you buy a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.”

Remarkably, Yiannopoulos sees conservatives today as more hip than the radicals on the political left.

“Conservatives have claimed that being right-wing was alternative for some time, but it has never really been true until Trump,” he said. “And now it is. Now all of the coolest, all of the funniest, smartest, sassiest, cattiest, most fascinating and fabulous people are all Trump fans.”

‘The Madonna model’

In the interview, Milo made clear to WND he had given considerable thought to constructing his political persona.

“I identified quite early on what I think other conservatives were getting wrong,” he insisted.

“And I took the approach that if I wanted to reach a lot of people and take everybody at least some of the way, rather than taking a couple of people all the way, that I needed to treat my style, my career – everything about the Milo brand – as an entertainment brand,” he said. “I needed to consider myself an entertainment personality, not a journalist, not a researcher, not a writer. So that’s what I’ve done. I wouldn’t discount music and acting in the future.”

He said the Bill Maher types will soon have competition from the right.

“The left has had this hybrid comedian-activist-journalist for some time now, but there has not been a compelling example of this on the right – I don’t think ever,” he said. “People have tried, but I don’t think they’ve captured the imagination of the average person.”

Yiannopoulos said he’s modeled his career after the entertainer Madonna.

“So, I’ve taken the view there are two kinds of star,” he explained. “There is the star who is the best at what they do, better than anybody else on the planet. And they tend to be very damaged people, like Amy Winehouse, or whatever. They crash and burn very early. They have transcendent gifts, but with their genius goes the madness.”

He agreed this was a form of the Daedalus Complex, with the brilliant burning out early by getting too close to the sun and that he preferred to emulate what he understood was Madonna’s approach to her career.

“Madonna is not the best at anything, but she is above average with everything,” he stressed.

“She’s a bit of a better singer than everybody else. She’s a bit better looking than everybody else. She’s a little bit better than everyone else at most things. But she works so hard. She works way harder than everybody else, and she’s way brilliant at assembling talent around herself.”

Milo made clear he is preparing for a long and successful career.

“I work very hard, but I try to make it look effortless – and I generally succeed,” he said. “The second type of star, the Madonna type of star, that’s the star that has a 40-year career. That’s the kind of star that at age 40 or 50 is worth $500 million and has global deals, long-running contracts, and becomes a cultural icon – rather than being a niche star that crashes and burns early.”

He continued: “So, I’ve always followed the Madonna model. I know I’m not the hottest, not the funniest, not the smartest, and I’m not the best at anything. In any given room, I won’t beat everyone at anything, and I probably won’t be the best at anything, but I work harder than everybody else. And I’m very good at assembling smart, talented people around me to do the things I can’t do. And I have so much fun at it.”

He expressed satisfaction with what he has achieved so far.

“I have the best job in the world,” he said. “I get to wind up the worst people in the world and I get paid for it. I get paid for making the lives of the worst people a misery.”

Jerome R. Corsi

Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff writer. He has authored many books, including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." Corsi's latest book is "Partners in Crime." Read more of Jerome R. Corsi's articles here.

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