Obama puts every one of us in mortal danger

By Barbara Simpson

As I write this, France is torn apart again by the insanity of terrorism. The death count so far is 84 with 202 injured, nearly 100 in critical and intensive care.

An immigrant French citizen of Tunisian descent drove a truck, laden with ammunition and bomb material, down streets and onto sidewalks in Nice, during a celebration of Bastille Day.

People were there – men, women and children – there to have fun and luxuriate in their history. Instead, too many met their fatal end in the bloody carnage on the streets, victims it appears, of the religion of peace – again!

There, I said it. Everyone else, so far, is pussy-footing around trying not to say anything that might incriminate followers of that peaceful religion.

So far, the only American politician with the courage to say something was Donald Trump. He wasted no time in declaring on the Greta Van Susteren program on Fox that Barack Obama must call this terrorism what it is: radical Islam.

He said Obama’s reluctance to name it shows that “we’re weak and weakly led and ineffective.”

Trump was even more direct on Bill O’Reilly’s show when he declared that he would have no qualms about asking Congress for a declaration of war against ISIS.

He didn’t mince words, saying, “This is war.”

Wow! Can you imagine, a current American politician actually advocating that this country declare “war” against an enemy that is trying to kill us and destroy our country? It’s called self-defense.

There was a time when that reaction to a direct attack on the country was met with firm resolve. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt wasted no time declaring it was an attack on the country, an overt act of war, and that the response was for us to answer it directly. He asked for, and Congress gave him, a war declaration.

There was no hesitation and those people were correct to have done what they did. We fought that enemy, prevailed and put an end to the horrors that the Japanese – and also the Germans – brought to their innocent victims worldwide.

Donald Trump’s directness in stating his opinion of this latest terrorist attack illustrates why he’s popular with so many Americans, even those who don’t have the courage to say those words out loud.

We’ve been so brainwashed by the political correctness of this administration and its fellow travelers that we ignore the truth at the risk of our own demise – individually and nationally.

Also, because of the French attack, Trump postponed the planned Friday press announcement of his choice for vice president on his ticket. Trump had the decency to put his emphasis on the terrorist crisis, where it belongs.

French President Francois Hollande said, “All of France is under threat from Islamist terrorism.”

He put a name to the terrorism, something top American politicians refuse to do.

Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton expressed sympathy for the victims of what she said was “an apparent terrorist attack.”

She refused to say who the “terrorists” might be and what could be done to put an end to it, though when pressed, her response was that she would encourage “greater intelligence gathering.”

Whatever that means.

She didn’t elaborate.

The man who is the American president, Barack Hussein Obama, jumped in quickly to decry the innocent victims but he continues to refuse to specify who the terrorists are and as always, he never, never makes any link between the terrorists and their Islamist religious beliefs.

He never uses the terms Islamist or Muslims, even when there is irrefutable proof that people of those believe are behind attacks of this kind – not only in France, but worldwide.

I don’t believe for a minute that Barack Obama is a stupid man, but I do believe that he is blinded by his beliefs founded in Islam. He was brought up in and around that faith, and he remains a believer, regardless of what he says he is now.

It is incomprehensible that a man who professes to be a “Christian” can constantly and consistently do things, say things and take actions that directly and negatively affect Christians and Christianity, in this country and worldwide, and yet never do or say anything that might even be slightly negative against Islam.

Given the atrocities perpetrated by Islamists across the world, the gruesome attacks and killings that we see more and more, it makes no sense that the leader of a world nation, a presumably well-educated man, can see all this and yet not have the courage to state unequivocally who is responsible.

Is he blind? Stupid? Stubborn? A liar? A traitor? Or is he really a Muslim bound to support that belief regardless?

Clearly, he’s not acting as a Christian, as an American, as a patriot.

Nor is he acting as an American president should according to his oath of office.

It’s also clear that what he is doing, or rather not doing, is hurting our country and the free world and putting every one of us in mortal danger.

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Barbara Simpson

Barbara Simpson, "The Babe in the Bunker," as she's known to her radio talk-show audience, has a 20-year radio, TV and newspaper career in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. Read more of Barbara Simpson's articles here.

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