‘Racist’ rant stuns during BET awards

By WND Staff

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Reactions continue to pour in to actor Jesse Williams’ divisive speech at the recent BET awards. The latest celebrity to speak out is actress Stacy Dash, a conservative and the co-host of Fox News’ “Outnumbered.”

In a blistering blog post, Dash slammed Williams for delivering a “tirade” that was “nothing short of an attack on white people.”

Dash said, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: BET is keeping racism and segregation alive, and this past Sunday’s awards show proves it.”

Dash blasted Williams, who is the son of a black father and white mother, for attacking whites who practice so-called “cultural appropriation.” She also chided Justin Timberlake for his clumsy attempt to apologize after he was criticized for supposedly borrowing from black culture. Dash argued any attempt to try to appease Williams and fellow supporters of Black Lives Matter is doomed from the start.

“Justin, my dear, there is no ‘oneness’ when it comes to Black Lives Matter,” she said. “They’ve planted the seed of segregation and no longer want to live in ‘perfect harmony,’ like the old song wished. And if Michael Jackson once sang, ‘It don’t matter if you’re black or white,’ well, it does now, at least from their perspective.”

Finally, Dash noted the irony of black celebrities dressed in expensive fashions masquerading as activists. She also observed BET itself is “white owned.” Media conglomerate Viacom purchased the network more than 10 years ago.

Dash summed up Williams with one brutal characterization. “You’ve just seen the perfect example of a HOLLYWOOD plantation slave!” she declared.

Dash’s opinion was not shared by the mainstream media, which widely celebrated Williams’ speech despite its political extremism and even its implicit call for a black independent state. Williams accused police of deliberately killing blacks while sparing whites and suggested if the problem isn’t resolved, blacks will need their own country.

He stated: “What we’ve been doing is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm, and not kill white people every day. So what’s going to happen is we are going to have equal rights and justice in our own country, or we will restructure their function in ours.”

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Jesse Lee Peterson, an exclusive WND columnist and author of “The Antidote” and “SCAM” called Williams’ comments outrageous and characterized them as representing an “insane, separatist idea.”

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However, Peterson’s harshest criticism was reserved for Justin Timberlake. Timberlake had tweeted in support of Williams’ tirade.

But Williams had said in his speech: “And let’s get a couple of things straight – just a little side note. The burden of the brutalized is not to comfort the bystander. That’s not our job, all right? Stop with all that. If you have a critique for the resistance, for our resistance, then you’d better have an established record of critique of our oppression. If you have no interest in equal rights for black people then do not make suggestions to those who do. Sit down.”

Thus, many black Twitter users called out Timberlake as a prime example of a white person “stealing” black culture who should not be permitted to comment on “black oppression.”

He initially responded defiantly.

However, after further criticisms, Timberlake apologized.

In the days that followed, Timberlake was called a “culture vulture” by black media outlet The Root.

Noting how Timberlake’s cringe did him no good, Peterson called Timberlake “weak” and slammed him as representative of white cowardice when it comes to racial matters.

“Justin Timberlake’s apology is the epitome of white fear and weakness,” Peterson charged. “What Timberlake said was a foolish attempt to appease black liberals, but there was nothing particularly offensive to blacks. It’s ridiculous for Black Lives Matter and the SJW types to accuse him of ‘cultural appropriation.’ Timberlake was too cowardly to stand up for himself so he caved in. His weakness validated the myth that whites are responsible for the destruction and misery that many black Americans are experiencing. This type of fear and cowardliness by whites causes blacks to hate them even more.”

Peterson argued Timberlake should never have apologized.

“It’s time for whites to get over fear and guilt when it comes to the race issue,” he said. “Blacks need to hear the truth so that they can be corrected when they’re wrong.”

The “Sage of South Central,” talk show host and author of “Dear Father, Dear Son” Larry Elder, was another African-American commentator who thought Williams’ rant at BET was counter-productive.

He also scoffed at claims of “cultural appropriation” by positing a counter-example of blacks appropriating “white” music.

Colin Flaherty, who chronicled black on white violence nationwide in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence To America,” said the entire episode is characteristic of what he calls “mainstream” black hatred against whites.

“Williams’ performance was just the latest example of how black on white hostility is now mainstream,” he told WND. “These comments about cops, accusing them of being murderers and racists, are considered normal. And much worse is repeated to thousands of cops every day. Perhaps this performance will help people figure that out.”

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