What’s more trusted than Hillary Clinton?
Well, everything – including former President Bill Clinton on “Take Your Daughter to Work Day.”
And Anthony Weiner with a selfie stick.
And even drinks made by Bill Cosby.
That’s according to Twitter’s trending hashtag #MoreTrustedThanHillary, which has exploded since FBI Director James Comey announced his decision not to recommend charges against Hillary over her handling of classified information on a private email server.
What do YOU think? What do you trust more than Hillary Clinton? Sound off in today’s WND poll!
Comey explicitly confirmed a double standard, when he stated, “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions.”
Comey even acknowledged that Hillary lied multiple times about her email and server use.
But even before the Emailgate announcement, a full two-thirds of Americans said they didn’t trust Hillary, according to a Fox News poll published in May in which she had a net negative honesty rating of -35 points. Just 31 percent said Hillary is honest while 66 percent said she’s not.
Some of the top submissions under the hashtag #MoreTrustedThanHillary include:
- Expired milk
- Truck stop sushi
- Love letters from inmates
- Facebook’s respect for free speech
- Someone asking you for your Social Security number over the phone
- That Nigerian prince asking you for money on the Internet
- That camera in the bathroom
- Taking a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time
- Being the only girl in a room full of Syrian refugees
- Investigative journalism by Rolling Stone magazine
- Michael Vick dog sitting
- Dick Cheney behind you with a shotgun
- O.J. Simpson with a glove and a knife
- Elizabeth Warren’s Native American DNA
- Vince Foster’s “suicide” note
- Carpooling with Ted Kennedy
- A blood transfusion from Charlie Sheen
- Having Bernie Madoff as your financial adviser
- A prostate exam from Captain Hook
Related stories (Story continues below):
Comey has a long history of Clinton-related cases
Comey: FBI didn’t put Hillary under oath
Above the law? Hillary’s HUGE scandal list explodes to 25
‘No individual too powerful to jail’ – not even Hillary
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Even former Major League Baseball player Jose Canseco, who admitted using steroids in 2005, chimed in and tweeted: “I have urine samples cleaner than Hillary.”
The following are other popular memes under the hashtag #MoreTrustedThanHillary: