TPP finishes destruction of American middle class

By Curtis Ellis

UNITED NATIONS – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will redistribute America’s wealth on a global scale the same way the Democratic Party has redistributed wealth to favored groups within the U.S.

Rather than One Nation Under God, Obama/Clinton Democrats pledge allegiance to “diversity” – a kaleidoscope of separate ethnic and sexual demographic groups.

These favored constituencies then feed on a smorgasbord of affirmative action, disparate-impact and income-support programs paid for by hardworking taxpayers.

The party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton now wants to repeat the process on the world stage.

That’s because the third leg of the Democrats’ stool, alongside identity politics and redistribution, is globalism.

While Donald Trump wants to put America First, Hillary Clinton wants to put the rest of the world first.

In the globalist’s worldview, the idea of the United States of America as a sovereign nation, One Nation Under God, is an anachronism, a quaint artifact left over from an earlier age. We are all citizens of the world, Obama proclaimed in Berlin in 2008, united by our participation in the brave new “global economy.”

And just as Washington’s social engineers redistribute wealth within the U.S., the globalist technocrats seek to redistribute the wealth of America to the rest of the world.

Their vehicle for executing the plan is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP.

This sweeping 12-nation regulatory pact goes far beyond what anyone would recognize as a trade agreement. It creates an international commission of unelected foreign bureaucrats who will “write the rules for the global economy.”

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Commission will regulate immigration, food, energy, medicine, Internet, copyrights and all business within our borders as well as across our borders.

And the U.S. would have to comply with its rules, just as the nations of Europe must bend to the will of the European Union bureaucrats.

It’s no secret the TPP’s global bureaucracy would use its power to redistribute wealth. TPP includes some of the poorest nations on Earth, such as Vietnam and Malaysia.

President Obama admits the Asian countries stand to benefit the most from his scheme. Vietnam has wages less than a dollar an hour, and 89 percent of its people look forward to the TPP.

But Americans now literally struggling to stay alive regard the TPP as a death sentence.

Obama and his ilk disparage these Americans as desperate clingers, throwbacks who want to “pull up the drawbridge and shut everybody off.”

According to the Obama-Clinton crowd, if you believe in putting America first and don’t want the jobs in your town shipped overseas, you’re a racist who wants to “shut everybody off.”

Actually, it is the Clintons who want to shut America down.

The Clintons pushed NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and allowed the American automotive industry to move from the U.S. to Mexico.

Then they opened the door for China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, facilitating the mass exodus of jobs and capital from America to Red China, the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.

The Clinton globalists brag about raising half a billion Chinese out of poverty – even though it meant submerging untold millions of Americans into poverty.

Hillary will use the Trans-Pacific Partnership to finish the job of redistributing America’s wealth to the rest of the world.

All that will be left of the promise of America is a $15-an-hour minimum wage job and dependence on government assistance for survival.

Donald Trump still sees America as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

He has vowed to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership and Make America Great Again.

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Curtis Ellis

Curtis Ellis is a political communications consultant and senior policy adviser with America First Policies. Read more of Curtis Ellis's articles here.

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