You think ISIS gives a rip about your pathetic hashtags?

By Around the Web

(Daily Mail) — Mohamed took a truck and drove it into men, women and children celebrating Bastille day in Nice. He killed 84.

And who yet knows of the horrors still to spew from hospital wards – lives fractured, crumpled, crushed.

One minute they were jubilant, locals and tourists alike celebrating Bastille day together. The next, lying splintered on the floor.

And the most sickening thing of all – worse than spilt blood, fractured bodies, children with legs contorted out of human control, the reek of death, is our horribly sanitised response to it all.

Pathetic. Predictably impotent.
Evil mowed us down in a monster truck. And we tweeted like lethargic birds between Egyptian cotton sheets.
Celebrities rushed to social media with their message ‘not again’, designers comforted with a patriotic graphic, tea candles were lit and instagrammed. There will be a vigil in a public square. Again.

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