Another school bans U.S. flags at football game

By Around the Web

(EAGNEWS) — OWASSO, Okla. – Owasso High School students contend officials turned them away from a school football game on Friday because they wanted to bring American flags into the event.

The incident occurred on the same night that a South Carolina high school banned students from displaying American flags at a football game.

flagrejectedIn northeast Oklahoma, Owasso senior Brandon Conrad said several students brought American flags and other patriotic gear to the USA-themed opening football game Friday, but they were turned away and forced to stash the stuff in their cars, KFAQ reports.

“Our principal told us it was ok … but when we got there Duffield tells us it’s not ok, which is our athletic director,” Conrad said.

Senior Connor Jones told the news site the students resisted, but police refused to allow them inside with Old Glory.

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