To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Most people have heard that famous nugget of wisdom from Ecclesiastes 3:1, so they know there is a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted.
But what if God’s people can’t tell when the proper time for each purpose is?
“The problem is most Christians are plucking at planting time and planting at plucking time because they don’t know what time it is,” said Pastor Mark Biltz during a recent appearance on Stand for Truth Radio with Susan Knowles.
Biltz, the founder of El Shaddai Ministries in Washington State, said Christians are confused because they are following human calendars rather than God’s calendar. He teaches believers how to follow God’s calendar in his new book titled “God’s Day Timer: The Believer’s Guide to Divine Appointments.”
The same title also is a movie.
Biltz, who is a well-known commentator on the feasts of the Lord, explained to Knowles’ audience the world uses a very accurate, scientific calendar based on the sun. Muslims, meanwhile, use a scientific calendar based on the moon. However, in Genesis 1:14 God said He wanted both the sun and the moon to mark the seasons, days and years.
“Well, that’s only the biblical calendar that uses both the sun and moon,” Biltz noted. “And so I believe we’re on the wrong calendar.”
Biltz explained each of the “feasts,” meaning divine appointments, on God’s calendar. The first is Passover, followed the next day by the Feast of Unleavened Bread and then the Feast of First Fruits. Fifty days later comes what Christians call the feast of Pentecost, which is known as the feast of Shavuot on God’s calendar, according to Biltz.
Those are the feasts of spring and early summer, and Biltz pointed out they were all fulfilled at the first coming of the Messiah. Jesus died on Passover, he was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread and he rose from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits. Then God poured out His Holy Spirit on Shavuot.
“And so if the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever, if He fulfilled the spring feasts to the day of His first coming, He will fulfill the fall feasts to the day of His second coming,” Biltz promised.
Therefore, if believers want to know what to expect on each of the fall feasts, they must study the history of those feasts and learn what is supposed to happen on those days. The fall feasts include Rosh Hashanah, also known as the Feast of Trumpets, followed by Yom Kippur and the Feast of Tabernacles.
Admittedly, most Christians consider these days to be Jewish feasts and therefore don’t observe them. But Biltz insisted they are not Jewish feasts, but the Lord’s feasts, and therefore Christians should observe them, too.
“If we want to meet with the Lord, we have to do it on His calendar, on his schedule,” the pastor reasoned. “To me, I don’t think it’s a salvation issue. If God wants to throw a party, why wouldn’t you want to be at the party?”
Biltz noted the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as the Feast of the Nations, is specifically for non-Jews.
Yom Kippur, on the other hand, is the national day of atonement for the Jewish people. It is specifically for Jews, but Biltz thinks Christians should commemorate the day as well.
“That’s when we pray for the nation of Israel,” he advised. “We’re interceding for them, asking that they would return back to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
Biltz insisted he is not being legalistic or trying to put Christians under Jewish law. He emphasized people do not have to observe the feasts in order to be saved. In fact, God saved the Jews before he gave them the Torah.
“It’s not like God gave them the law in Egypt saying they had to follow it before he would redeem them,” Biltz said. “Not at all. He gave it to them afterwards so they would know how to live.”
Although God’s feast days may be Jewish in origin, Biltz emphasized they are for everyone, not just Israel or the Jewish people.
“God loves the whole world,” the pastor reminded the audience. “He gave His only begotten son for the whole world. And people [may] feel like second-class citizens or something, but they need to find their identity in the Messiah, not in being Jewish or something like that, but be happy with who you are, with how God created you, and you still can participate.”
See his new book titled “God’s Day Timer: The Believer’s Guide to Divine Appointments.” The same title also is a movie.