Presidential-transition conundrums

By Craige McMillan

I hope the Trump Tower has been inspected for eavesdropping devices and has taken appropriate countermeasures since Sucky Cup scaled the building. When the previous Cold War was raging, the CIA managed to listen in on Mikhail Gorbachev and other senior Kremlin leaders as they were driven around in their limousines. The device picked up the voice vibrations through the glass that were set in motion during normal conversation. I’m sure technology has improved considerably since then.

Apparently, the GOP elite squishes in Congress are too busy worrying about their re-election and watching Trump advance in the rearview mirror to notice that the Community Organizer in Chief has committed open treason by funding terrorism:

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

“The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted” (US Constitution, Article III, Section 3).

An excellent case was made by Andrew C. McCarthy. Perhaps we don’t need a trial, since the admissions and evidence to convict are all in the public record.

Hillary’s health is excellent, of course, just as her campaign says. Still, I find myself wondering what happens to the Democratic ticket if 1) she doesn’t make it to the election, or 2) if she is elected but goes to her final reward through natural causes between the election and inauguration. How can one assume office before the appointed day? The line of succession applies only to the president. Or maybe she intends to be frozen and become an ice sculpture before she actually dies? Makes one wonder if that’s why the Supreme Court was reduced by one Scalia.

At least somebody has, at least in theory, been thinking about it.

Maybe Hillary’s real job is just to hang on until after the Electoral College votes.

Colin Powell advised Hillary Clinton when she became SOS (appropriate abbreviation, isn’t it?) that the State Department ran much better when he used his private AOL email account for non-classified documents. Yes, those Freedom of Information Act document requests by the peasants are so annoying, aren’t they? I wonder if America has any idea what she actually owes Judicial Watch?

Bonus: Is it just me, or is Trump’s Wisconsin speech the finest political speech since Ronald Reagan?

Will technology in the end force God’s hand?

Media wishing to interview Craige McMillan, please contact [email protected].

Craige McMillan

Craige McMillan is a longtime commentator for WND. Read more of Craige McMillan's articles here.

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